RikudouGoku's Database (IEMs/Earbuds/Headphones Ranking list)

Hey, not sure where to put this so I’ll just thank you here for praising Spinfits CP145 here and there.
Just received a pair, great seal first time and everytime on my GD3A (on which the nozzle is a bit too short for me) even with my strange right ear.
Sound-wise, clean strong bass and clarity.
Much better than CP100 for me.

Well, thanks.


Congrats! Spinfits are just about the only thing that seals for me. My ears are weird I guess.

Give me spinfits sounding like radius and final E and ill pay big bucks for that.

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Maybe custom tips is the next step up for you then.

Like these (I have no experience in anything custom though).

nah, I’m good :rofl: Might try a custom someday, really curious. First I need to find my true love (Teas can’t be done custom)

@Rikudou_Goku have you found any further opinion on GS Audio ST8B? I really want to try one from them, and as of now I do not have any full BA offering except The Custom Art FIBAE 3, which I cannot live with because of the light midbass.

The ST8B looks like it got too little treble (and bass) for me, so if I get one it might be one of the other ST models.

Personally I am waiting for their new DD that they are developing for the GD3C. (I need a DD…)

As for a good BA iem, I guess you can have your eye on the Seeaudio Bravery, that looks pretty good. I will get a set on that one though.

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Yeah I am getting one in september as a part of a review tour…I should wait for that.

yeah, my review unit should be shipped next week, along with the CCA NRA and the 7hz timeless.
(hopefully my sundara gets here late next week, or the week after)

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Hmmmm… :thinking:


This can be interesting, but my hopes are low for Fiio’s products, nowadays.

Any idea XINHS makes something like this?

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I’m quite happy with my FD5 but after their recent releases, I’m more in a curious state at the moment.

He can’t. I almost bought that cable last night. Might take a look in the future, but wanna see some people pics before.

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ok thanks. If i didn’t had bad experience with Kinera cables i bought it. They are kicking ass in the look department and tech. But longevity and tuning is not their forte. Atleast not my taste of sound.

Well, if they keep the technicalities of the FD5 and do a better tuning (for my taste, ofc), without rising the price too much, they might be in for something special.

Seems like FH5s got a pro version… that changes the cable, lol.


Pro version:

Cable costs 50 bucks atm, retail price is 70.

I thought there was nothing wrong with FH5s :joy: :joy:


Yeah, wasn’t this supposed to be perfect already? Why come out with a “pro” version so soon? :joy:

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I’m assuming it might go around the FA9/FH7 price. I love single DD iems so I’ll be keeping my eyes on it and see how it goes.

LOL at that FH5s PRO! Why don’t they just sell only the cable. They could’ve gotten more profit that way.

They do sell the cable stand-alone. They just made a bundle and called it “Pro”. Fiio’s style is getting shadier by the day.

@Rikudou_Goku Can you ask for a sample of FDX, wanna laught about the response.

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