RikudouGoku's Database (IEMs/Earbuds/Headphones Ranking list)

Yeah, I don’t think I will bother with them anymore…

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2021-08-27: TForce Audio Yuan Li: TForce Audio Yuan Li - Reviews | Headphone Reviews and Discussion - Head-Fi.org

Rank: A

Well tuned neutral iem, not exactly a budget Oxygen but it does share some of its traits (Imaging, bass quality and female vocals) with it.

This is the iem version of the K´s LBBS earbud.



Comparison between Yuan Li and Mele possible?

Dont have it.

But you will, won’t you?

@hawaiibadboy told me he was going to send me (and paul and vortex) one. Havent heard anything about it though.


At that price range maybe Dunu cables might interest you, this is assuming they have come back in stock. They do have one of the best modular systems

You tempt me so… I already thought it looked nice in presentation, the IEM was not bad either and now you say it is an IEM LBBS…

If you already have the LBBS, probably redundant to get it.

To hell with Fiio. Pro FH5s now? And an FDX? What???


I’m pissed at Fiio and I’m pissed with myself. They put out this crap, but I’m actually curious about that FDX. Guess addicts never learn.

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Yes, but if I can get the sound of the LBBS without the discomfort. Unfortunately I can at best wear the LBBS for about 30 mins to an hour before needing to remove them.

ouch, 30 minutes?

Hi guys, can anyone rec me some nice cables around 10$ or 3,4 more bucks. I have a tight budget now

do you own that cable/have photos? doesn’t look bad at all.

Yea, and funnily enough it is not the bottom of my ear but the top that starts to get sore.

I have done my usual breaking in methods of using them a bit at a time to get accustomed to the fit and even trying to take a nap while wearing them to try and get used to the fit. Normally that has worked for just about every IEM (some I haven’t even needed to do this), but with the LBBS I just had really sore ears.

I am still using them regularly though because I do really love their sound, just not for more then a few tracks at a time.

Thank you so much. Can i ask how good this cable when compare to my broken stock fh3 cable?

Pretty much any cable is better then the stock FH3 one that cable is amazing in how bad it feels.

The stock FH3 cables measures a lot higher. The XINHS cable is a better cable.

FH3 cable is horrible. Doesn’t behave at all, very stiff, bad measurments. We can expect a FH3 Pro soon, i guess 🤷