RikudouGoku's Database (IEMs/Earbuds/Headphones Ranking list)

At least the “pro” FD3 cable softens up a bit as you use it. Still doesn’t feel quite pro in the materials used though.

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Seems Fiio´s tactic is to sell an objectively bad cable so they can charge more for their “pro” cables…

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FD3 pro isn’t much better.

So you say… :wink:

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…but their FD5 and FH5s cables are vastly superior in every way. They are going backwards.

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It is quite a bit better already, I have hopes it will get a little better still. Still nothing compared to even the cheaper cables on Riku’s google doc though. Maybe the oil jokes might not be as silly as they very ment to be.

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I disagree. It is stiff and quite light. It wouldn’t stay in place behind my ears. I hate it. My set…

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I found it ( and still find it) a bit heavy for my preference. Never had an issue with it staying behind my ears though. I think the stiffness and springiness is a result of the plastic used and the tightness of the weave. The weave is getting a little less tight over use and might be what is improving it.

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I keep my IEMs stored and I baby the shit out of them so most of my stuff never breaks in except for the transducers themselves. I never take my stuff out of my room I work/play and listen in.

Maybe I should try winding it up over and over to see if that will soften the plastic up a bit. Really disappointed with the FD3 cable. I was expecting something of the FH5s quality to be named “pro”. lol

The FD3 became my walking around pair, so it has been out an about a lot. Tough the cheep feel of the material I don’t expect to ever change. Just the overall stiffness. Xinhs has ruined my expectations of what an OEM cable “should” feel like.


You got that right!

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2021-08-28: Audiosense DT300: Audiosense DT300 - Reviews | Headphone Reviews and Discussion - Head-Fi.org

Stock rank: D
Mod (EQ) rank: B

Dont get how they can release something like this when they already got 2 working recipes with the DT100/200…

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What a shame.
Is there any full BA set you would recommend apart DT200 ?

Aside from the DT100/200, nope…

Hopefully that will change with the Seeaudio Bravery.

Will you get Bravery for review ? Do you know its exact setup ? Appearantly they found some Knowles woofer they prefer over Sonion’s ?

Yes, it is coming along with the CCA NRA and the 7hz Timeless.

It is a 4 BA setup, 2 knowles bass, 1 sonion mids and 1 knowles treble I believe.

Not sure why they would use knowles for the bass instead of sonions though.

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I’m getting CCA NRA too, I should have waited for your impressions. I hope it will be an upgrade from the CSN I loved. Maybe get even more slam out of the new triple magnetic DD over the great XUN, and more treble extension from whatever they are calling EST over the BA of CSN.

@Rikudou_Goku so funny story local amazon does have the CCA. Arriving some time between 9/15 and 9/30. From the KZ amazon store.

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Wonder who will get it first. :thinking:

They offered expedited shipping and a range of 9/3-9/9 for the low low price of more then the IEM ($30).

GD5 is online.