RikudouGoku's Database (IEMs/Earbuds/Headphones Ranking list)

Seal issue probably. Never bothered to remeasure it, not worth the time/effort…

Good salesmen though.
Company still up and running.
Did I mention their Nickel amplifier introducing hiss / background noise ?

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Kbear Robin:

A very bassy, on the slower/looser side with a very relaxing/non-peaky treble. It will suit people that want an even bassier/warmer sounding Blon 03. Timbre is pretty decent for a hybrid.

Downside is that the bass is, to me, too slow/loose and have too much mid-bass. Treble can be borderline dark and upper-treble is quite lacking. Technicalities are very poor and belongs in the sub-20 usd area (KZ DQ6 is better for example). So, if you are after a technical iem, this is not it and it is making it hard to recommend it. More of a niche iem.

Some people have mentioned it together with the KZ ZS7. But IMO, the ZS7 is actually tuned better, with cleaner (tighter, faster and lower mid-bass quantity) bass and an airer treble. Timbre is a bit better on the Robin but similarly technical.

Rank: D+
(KZ ZS7 rank up to C-)

Moondrop Quarks:

Decently tuned bright-neutral iem. Bass is slightly elevated but is pretty lacking to me in quantity and texture as well, it is clean due to the speed and tightness though. Female vocals are forward but slightly shouty to me but otherwise quite good. Male vocals lack warmth but is otherwise clean, not as forward as the female vocals though. Treble is pretty well tuned and isn’t peaky (what is making it overall bright for me is the 3k, upper-mids peak), upper-treble is a bit lacking though.
Downside is that the technicalities is pretty lacking, which is a surprise since tonalities like this tend to have an advantage in that regard.

Compared with the Spaceship, the spaceship is cleaner and has better technicalities but is shoutier and treble is a bit too elevated for me. The Quarks is more well-tuned to me because of that.
Rank: D+

Aside from that, an update on what I have incoming:
SeeAudio Bravery
7Hz Timeless
Hifiman Sundara

Sundara is already shipped out and will be my benchmark for a well done Planar in preparation for the Timeless.


Anyone have the Epro tips? Looks like they are on amazon japan now.


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Yep. I do. I got mine on US amazon weeks ago.

You like them?

I have, but EP00. They are good, slight long stem tho.

They are not bad but I like the comfort of the Tennmak tips better

Looks like the difference between the EP00 and the EP01 is in its size. The EP01 has a wider bore it seems.

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oh, I actually got those tips…never used them though. :joy:

(which Epro model do you have? EP00 or EP01?)

Yeah, EP01 is wider. I meant they are long compare to, let’s say Azla Sedna. I bought them with my lands but since their nozzle was gigantic, I couldnt used them. Never tried them with other stuff tho. There’s a well known post on “the other forums” about reversing E-pro horns to get the widest bore tip on the market or so

Ep01 tips…

The flip tip mod?

Damn, so the stem is a lot bigger than the Azla tips?

Different touch points. I’d love to ear you review it tho.

(both M size)


Damn it looks tall. Not as wide as the Azla though it seems? I guess it is more of a standard size, rather than the Azla that is pretty much 1 size bigger than average.
(I use L for everything, but with azla ML is better.)

Azla Sedna is wider, but they are wide, yes. They are regular sized, yes.

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The ep01 stem is shorter then the Azla crystals, but the same height as the tennmak turbo. So both of those are shorter stem.

The ep01 has a reverse taper where the mouth of the tip is wider then the stem of the tip. The tennmak is about as wide but just straight… both are wider then the Azla crystal opening.

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I asked the seller from which I ordered the Azla Xelastec on AliExpress about the Azla Crystal and it’s now listed. I haven’t received the Xelastec yet and therefore cannot confirm if it is authentic or not – I’ll wait until I get the Xelastec to order the Crystal.

If anyone is interested and willing to take the risk, here’s the link:


Judging by the price, it is hopefully legit.

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My Xelastec order got a Hong Kong tracking code (HK) – generally I get a SE tracking code (Sweden).