RikudouGoku's Database (IEMs/Earbuds/Headphones Ranking list)

I’m excited for you!

Yeah, very excited for it.

My Timeless, Bravery and NRA also seems to have been shipped.

Hopefully I get the Sundara first…

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Oh you ordered too? Sweet! I missed that. We’ll be Timeless bros forever. :slight_smile:

All of them are review units, except the Sundara (only a review discount). :wink:

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My Timeless and Hidizs have shipped but still not getting any hard date, Kinera is way back ordered too, this doesn’t make my impulse buying fun lol


I hope you get them soon.
I am back on them, messing around with EQ while wondering if I will ever need anything else for listening at home or in any quiet place.


Nice, makes me even more anxious to get them

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My LBBS are also in customs… :wink:

With how good the X6’s are I’m really excited for them… :+1::sunglasses:

Also have a set of NRA’s on the way (kinda like playing the lottery right?)… :rofl:

Haven’t pulled the trigger on the Timeless, yet, but I’m pretty sure I will as soon as there’s some kind of discount (or enough hype)… :partying_face::joy:


You are in for a treat.

First impressions on the NRA, makes it seem like a more v-shaped DQ6…so I suggest to keep your expectations low on it.

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Will do. Already own the DQ6’s and I like them, but they’re not used much and that’s what counts… :slightly_smiling_face:

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Also take in account the japanese style of living…
A lot of small flats in big cities with very thin walls. Probably not the best place to blast your stereo :laughing:



Huh? What is wrong?

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Fixed that for ya~

Good reason why there’s places you can go to… make noise… as much as you want.

…you know, like to setup your vintage stereo setup. :stuck_out_tongue:


Haha nothing wrong, had some other ideas in my head :sweat_smile:

does Fiio have a bad rap?

I have the FD3’s and the FH3’s and i love both of them. I was kinda thinking about the FD7 before i saw yall talking about them here :no_mouth:

They have been going downhill recently.

Not in as much, but they’ve had a lot more misses than hits lately and they have yet to truly followup a smash hit like the FH3.

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Ah i see. Maybe the FD3 just needs some more hype cycle, imo it’s even better than the FH3.

No need, it already comes with a cable that enhances sound :person_shrugging: