RikudouGoku's Database (IEMs/Earbuds/Headphones Ranking list)

No, Xiaomi is the rebrand of these :stuck_out_tongue:

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I believe Xiaomi owns 1More.


oh i see cause i have xiaomi that look exactly like that haha. good to know XD

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After spending 700 usd, yes. Great huh? :slight_smile:

What a slap to the face…


He probably should have bought Totem, it sounds shit because of shitty cable. :smiley:


1More E0320: Tuned to be used without foams (the included silicone hooks are great for fit and comfort). Well-tuned treble, airy and detailed without peaks. Mids are forward and very clean. Bass quantity is lower than usual though. Technicalities are good and timbre as well, bright neutral tonality.

Rank: B+

Although I get PSTSD flashbacks to my old Xiaomi Piston/hybrid iems from years ago, where the exact same Kevlar cable always died on me….

1More E1008: Same as the EO320, its tuned to be used without foams. It is tuned extremely similarly to the EO320, but with slightly more bass and a bit less treble, so it ends up sounding more neutral. The treble is airier here and technicalities are a bit better. But there isn’t a lot of piezo timbre in it, so to me it seems a bit pointless to have the piezo driver in it, because all it does is increase the air and improved technicalities a bit but at the cost of coherency and slightly worse timbre.

Rank: B+

In regards to the claims that this is similar to the LZ A7 iem, I completely disagree with it. And it is also completely different from 1More´s own H1707 headphones that also have a piezo driver.


Guess my OH10s are going to sound even more V-shaped once I receive the LBBS LMAO


Well, a bit of sad news here regarding LBBS.
On fast metal I am experiencing distorsion on the bass, certainly because of my EQing.
Currently I run only a bass shelf, 130 Hz - Q 0,8 - gain +11 dB. Preamp -11 dB. (Poweramp cannot preamp less than -12 dB).
Slow or mid-paced rock is unbelievably pleasing though. Such weight in percussions with air at the same time, the feel of guitar strings, that ability to present all instruments and voices without holding anyone back, I am amazed. I’ll try and refine that EQ, hopefully with less distorsion on fast metal as a result, but they are definitely a keeper anyway. And an ear-opener as to sound signature. Next IEM purchase is definitely not hyper v-shaped. Wait, CCA NRA is already purchased :face_with_hand_over_mouth:


Try lowering the shelf from 130 hz to somewhere closer to 80hz.

And Neutron or UAPP have better PEQ than poweramp.

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I will, thanks :wink:

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Please take that statement with a grain of salt, as I failed to reproduce that distorsion on fast busy tracks this morning. Very brief listen though.
Maybe with fresh morning ears I am listening less loud, or maybe I have some other problem with my source.
What do remains from yesterday is the rest of my transducers suck in comparison with LBBS :man_shrugging:


LBBS is like Mangird Tea to me. Does some stuff right, does nothing wrong, hard to replace.


But you are still in the hunt for more, from what I read ?

For buds no, found my end game shortly after getting LBBS as well.

For IEMs, yes. Still on the hunt (Kilobuck here we go)

Wow, ok.
What are your personnal EQ preferences for LBBS ?

I don’t do EQ, I use them stock. LBBS are usually my grab and go if I dont wanna carry my expensive Buds or I’m at bed since they confort is over 9000.

Basicly, I use them as beaters. I still think they are the golden bang-for-buck on bud world, and can be anyone’s endgame regarding buds.

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Haha ok gotcha.


Another reason I don’t need EQ, is that my preference curve is different than Riku’s. I like sligh more treble and mids, less bass. It’s close to this:

If you can create your own target, I might try making a more fitting EQ for you with the LBBS?