RikudouGoku's Database (IEMs/Earbuds/Headphones Ranking list)

Ok I understand.

Since you asked… I need your EQ expertise on another thing :rofl: I wanna try something.

I need a slight tilt up around 100 to 400 to be closer to the target. Basicly, do it more linear I guess. Can you help me with it? :pray:

peak: 200-250hz, Q: 1.4-2,8, gain: 3,5db


Riku are you a bot ? :joy:

lol, no. That was just a pretty simple EQ.

Oh and there was that little scrap with another reviewer on another forum a few weeks back. Last words showed you are definitely human :wink:

haha, yeah that sure was fun.

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Beast. Thanks

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Damn, almost identical to my target with EQ.


Tonality is near identical on the EX800ST/EX1000 when both are EQed to my target.

The difference is that the EX1000 sounds cleaner due to it having a bit better treble extension (airier) and bass is tighter/faster.

Tech is better on the EX1000 though.

The EQ presets are in my database if you got them and want to try it. (@Mufflertape )

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Me looking for mids and sub bass be like


im sad that the sub-bass doesnt look like their own store graph lol.

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well at least it only costs 20 bucks. Wonder about QC tho

Yeah, considering it is an MST driver, that is a steal. Hopefully it has EQ potential if the stock tuning is bad.

I guess I will find out lol.


For QC I can imagine something pulled like GK10. Glue the drivers and call it a day.

Still betting it will sound more coherent , ahah

TBH, KZ and CCA does have pretty good QC…

Only 2 drivers, instead of 3 different types and 5 in total.

So it better be more coherent lol.

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Right? He’s simply amazing!


Yikes, that graph does not look promising


Treble looks fine, its a bit reduced from the DQ6 (and uses a different driver). Sub-bass is probably lacking to me, what worries me is that early bass-shelf. It starts at the lower mids, so note-weight might be affected by it.