RikudouGoku's Database (IEMs/Earbuds/Headphones Ranking list)

GD5 looks like a mini Tea with more treble. Like it

Has a 6k peak instead of a dip though.

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Yes the gain keeps growing until 6 kHz, does that refer to any reference curve ? For me it will probably be painful.

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Dont think so

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I’m kinda curious about GS audio stuff, since you all vouche for it. Will keep it on the radar.

I would wait and see what they do with that new DD and the GD3C. Vented shells is a must for me…


Yeah, I’ll keep a look, but if I buy anything than Mest atm is a single DD, probably.

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Just bought. Any recs for cables to improve it’s sound?

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Maybe this was already posted somewhere, but do we have any new information on:

  • Prism
  • Falcon Pro
  • Kato

Single DDs are now a thing to me. But if none seem good I might just go O2

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Havent seen any new info on them nor impressions.

(That is an hybrid though)

Isn’t Prism, 1DD + Dual BA

Am I really that stupid?

I’m a happy man then, didn’t want to spend 600usd anyway!

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yep, sonion BAs IIRC.


On the other hand… I keep hearing nice things about RSV >_>

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Bought what? FD7?

I was joking :stuck_out_tongue: I’m kinda done with Fiio by this point.

I’ll prolly go Mest Mk2 and then I’ll see what the market has to offer. Maybe single DD, maybe full BA, maybe planar.


After Land, I’m rather not inclined to go kilobuck any time soon. Plus, Mest Mk2 has a notoriety of having a bit analytical mids and not much musical. Concerned about that, hence not thinking to go for it. However, New Mirage is an entirely different story, and I’ll be definitely looking forward to that from UM.


Hifiman Sundara (2020):

Cable measures at 0.43 ohms.