RikudouGoku's Database (IEMs/Earbuds/Headphones Ranking list)

Ohhhh yeah :slight_smile:

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That looks killer!

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We are going to need a review of those chopsticks. :wink:

But seriously I don’t think I have seen that many additional extras for an IEM that looks so very plain before.


Sooo… I figured out why the LBBS don’t sound right to me… :joy:

The right ear piece clearly doesn’t reproduce the lower frequencies as well as the left one does… :lying_face:

Tried switching them around and using them on different sources.

Doesn’t seem to be a bad connection either.

Basically just seems like different drivers… :flushed::woozy_face:

I’ve contacted the store. Hope they’ll provide a good service… :crossed_fingers:


First report of bad QC…sorry to hear that.


It happens… :wink:

Let’s see what they’ll do about it… :slightly_smiling_face:


Blind Testing USB Cables - A discussion of what went wrong

I want to talk about this.

EDIT: What I have to say…

Why was that list ever published?

Why was that list made if there really were no discernable differences?

There are a LOT of adjectives listed in that list describing each cable and how they are different from every other cable, but now, there’s no discernable differences when blind testing and Passion for Sound is attempting to understand why? Because you’re crazy and are not being honest with yourself or your viewers. It took a blind test back and forth for him to realize it? Why didn’t he do this before the article was written? I thought he was an expert on the topic!!! Why else would anyone on the planet write such an article describing the sound of USB cables? I thought this guy must have solid ears of gold and now he’s trusting his wife’s opinions as much as his own, if not even more and she is not an audiophile what so ever??? What is going on?

He even admits placebo as an excuse!

Because of that article, I was seriously considering buying an AudioQuest Carbon while we were discussing USB cables just to see if I could hear any difference in all of my cables. Again, another example of the audio hobby snake oil bullshit. I again feel like a sucker because I almost fell for it.

This is just proving more and more to me that I cannot trust anything anyone says when it comes to this hobby. So disappointed and upset.

Passion for Sound = UNSUBBED

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Have you purchased LBBS at NiceHCK ? I hope they will take good care of you.
On a positive note, I have don’t have any distorsion problem anymore. Improved “seal” on “semi in-ear” fit → no EQ. At all. And the thing slams.


It was an interesting watch at least…

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Sadly. No… And I just noticed now… :woozy_face:

“KRHIFI Audio Store” but it seems like it’s a complete copy/paste of the description on NiceHCK product page incl. return and defect policy etc.

I’m hoping they’re related… :crossed_fingers::wink:


(Totally not trying to start a cable debate… we’ve all been there)

We need a third-party double blind test for something like this. And then just reveal we’ve been using the same stock cable the whole time after the results. :crazy_face:

Sounds like he’s covering his butt. He made a post, saw he’s losing rep, then made the video to explain how possibly things could/couldn’t be perfect–maybe to gain/foster his following.

I’m fine with folks talking about analog signal cables and whatnot. Good cables good, bad cables bad. Whatever makes you happy.

But digital signal transfers involving packets and secured connections between hardware points? wat. Does a better HDMI cable produce better 4K images? 10K images? Because they’re sending far, far more complex data.


All his vids are the same. He likes to upsell stuff. Everything is good (when he gets a review unit), but if you want the best ‘just buy’ the expensive stuff he recommends. Connect the dots i guess. :sunglasses:
Might as well change his name to: Passion for upselling

Never take anything at face value, especially on youtube. If you are too gullible you’re just their affiliate creditcard :rofl: :rofl:


That’s actually a difficult question because there are HDMI cables with micro controllers in them that do actually improve the image by applying a filter… but that is not exactly what you were getting at. And yes digital data is either sent or not… it is not sent better or worse.


At the data rate, that is not going to happen with any uController I am aware off.


It is not snake oil, but it is also not as good as they claim either… so somewhere in between.

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There are speed differences depending on which HDMI standard that may cap the refresh rates and resolutions, which is the difference between HDMI 2.0 and 2.1.

That said a 2.0 cable should produce the same image, and if it doesn’t it is likely defective.


So, HDMI 1.0 is almost 5Gbit.
A stupid PCIe network card that can handle that is 100€

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I can believe in-line anti-aliasing filter to remove iffy signals in the line. Better if that was output before, but for use-cases where that’ll be hard/impossible, I can groove with that.

I know you’re not being argumentative, just providing a point. :+1:

But similar tech of filtering digital audio signal before it’s intercepted by a DAC… :man_shrugging: Premium Gold Audiophile stuff to me.

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It is just applying a anti aliasing filter, though nothing about the cable specifically is better and if you had a standalone box with a different cable plugged in instead of an all in one solution it would likely do the same. Also to be fair it is really intended for lower then 1080p content. I have seen it in action for retro consoles, that is why I knew it existed, but I am also not paying over $100 for a 1-3x AA filter built into a cable that could break and be worthless.

So I guess if some company ever built a 12 band equalizer DSP into a USB cable… maybe it would be better. Haven’t seen one of those though. Still wouldn’t buy an integrated solution like that though over a good inexpensive cable and a separate DSP.