RikudouGoku's Database (IEMs/Earbuds/Headphones Ranking list)

yeah, it’s W2/Lotto competition.

Did any of you had a problem like this one below? What would you do to “fix” it? Considering the problem is on the 2-pin connector I don’t think it would be a good idea to do the hot and cold water procedure.

I guess you cant rotate it back in place?

Rotate the red plastic part? Isn’t it glued or something like that? I thought about trying to use a hairdryer to realign the earhook by applying hot air while twisting it to the right alignment…


Some are, some are not.

That can be a solution I think.

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I’ll try this. But before I’ll wait for the IEM to arrive and test fit it. Maybe this won’t even be a problem…

Use a hairdryer to heat it up and bend it beyond where you ultimately want it. Let it cool and repeat until it stays where you want it.

I’ve done it to a few cables.


Thanks a lot!!! I think this is the best option since soaking the 2-pin in hot water and then in cold water doesn’t seem like a good idea long-term. lol

My only concern is if there was any problem in using the hairdryer like damaging the cable or discoloration or anything…

By the way, @Resolution this 8-core xinhs graphene cable is the best I’ve experienced. The material is perfect and like you said it just flows nicely when handling it. Even though it’s an 8-core it is not as thick as the copper & silver 8 core cable I have and therefore I see it being way more comfortable around the ears – I just have to see this 2-pin “issue” resolved.

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Resolution mentioned a hair dryer, I’ve always used a lighter to manipulate my cables because I’m a pyromaniac (near the clear part of the flame, just a whiff of heat at a time, like a fraction of a second).


:scream: :scream: :scream:

I don’t think I would have the courage to do this! lol

I’ll try the hairdryer and in fact I’ll see if there’s a fit problem before doing anything because I really don’t want to damage this gorgeous cable. lol

So I have received my CCA NRA at long last.
First listen and comparison with DQ6 on Metallica’s Fight Fire With Fire, because it is a @Rikudou_Goku test track I like very much.

And, very early impressions but I am not as underwhelmed as you appear to be master Riku :wink:
I understand the bass profile is not to your liking : mid-bass rather than sub-bass focused. But I find it noticeably cleaner and faster on the NRA (2’55" to 3’45"). And that, despite the darker tonality of NRA.

On the opposite of the spectrum, during the accoustic introduction (0 to 0’35"), I hear cleaner upper harmonics and a bit more “lifelike weight” in the pulling of the strings.

Just what striked on that first listen. Can’t tell much about mids and technicalities now. But they are slightly too dark for me on Ride the Lightning album.
I am using Spinfit CP145 on NRA and DQ6.

Looking forward to your review !

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(probably because I was listening to the Sundara before lol.)

EDIT: Turns out the Sundara wasnt the reason.


Yeah you have every right to be :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

For metalheads here, on a faster and more agressive track like Amon Amarth’s Versus the World, NRA wins hands down IMO compared to DQ6. Bass is faster and cleaner, while the treble with harsh cymbals on this album is nicely softened while being at least as detailed. The darker tonality is beneficial here, to my taste.
All other aspects are pretty similar I believe. Including 5 kHz fatigue for me :slightly_frowning_face:

I am listening to a high dynamic range vinyl rip, but the YouTube version is enough to get a feel.

(I won’t describe my entire library you are all fine :face_with_hand_over_mouth:)


I just got in the Smabat M2s Pro… I’ve entered a whole new world of high end earbuds, can’t believe the bass coming out of these things! They completely blow my VE Zen 2.0 out of the water. So much more neutral, natural, extended in both the bass and treble, but that bass especially is incredibly high quality and not too boosted, just so clean and tight. Kind of boosted in that upper mids area 2-4kHz, but nothing a bit of EQ can’t fix. I definitely want to try more stuff by Smabat now…


It seems AliExpress wants me to send the defect product back for a refund in which case it really doesn’t make sense to me.

Sending it back costs almost the same as I paid for it to begin with as it has to be sent tracked.

Oh well. That’s what You get for buying on AliExpress, I guess.

Screenshots from Dispute

I’ll try to see if I can make a better video showing the defect more clearly but I’m unsure if that’ll make a difference?

EDIT: Uploaded a new video (also to Dispute):

Pretty obvious that the right driver is broken, right?

BTW - Mods/@Rikudou_Goku - let me know if You find it inappropriate to share all of these details here.

EDIT2: Well, what do You know? I thought f*ck it I’m not going to be sending this one back anyway and I thought the driver must be somehow loose or something (out of place? touching the shell? pinched?) so I knocked it against the table and now it plays evenly in both sides (and there’s low frequencies).

EDIT3: I get the hype. The LBBS do sound great and they have plenty of bass for my liking when worn with the wires over the ears… :+1:


I love that method of fixing things !

Have fun with them and sorry for the poor after sales experience.


Lmao that is a hilarious fix!

But I am glad it worked out and thanks for letting us know the process, I will definitely keep it in mind. Though Australia to China is cheaper, some good info to know :slight_smile:

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Anyone else use tin cans to store earbuds and iem cables in?

I like the tin that came with the Moondrop Shiroyuki(junk bud :-1:) and was considering ordering a bunch of similar tins to use :thinking:

I was thinking it couldn’t really get any worse anyway.

They sounded horrible…

Guess I went caveman on them… :grin:

Thanks… :+1: