RikudouGoku's Database (IEMs/Earbuds/Headphones Ranking list)

Oof i brought the sony xba n3 instead of the honeydew thanks to @Rikudou_Goku 's recommendation, the sony n3 have much more bass quality and tonality imo, so that might be a contender, also I find the ikko oh10 to be more fun than the honeydew. but that’s just my opinion so take it with a grain of salt

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Tanchjim Oxygen

Havent really thought about what to do after uni lol.




They got me at modular cable :man_shrugging:

I like that color more than their DUW-03 cable lol.

Yeah, and I like that light 2 cores. Just not sure if I have a slot for another DD but hey, let’s see how it ends up. Do we have a release date?

Review units should be sent out today/tomorrow. So it is probably launching really soon.

If that eclipse tech gives the Falcon pro anywhere near the bass texture of the Zen :drooling_face:
It will give the Oxygen a run for its money for sure.


Yeah, since I’m holding on the O2 impulse buy, I might as well wait for FP. Was there any graph showned yet? Can’t remember, so many IEMs nowadays lol

They havent shown it in public…lets put it that way. :smirk:

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Yay or nay?

Better than the Zen at least IMO.


Knowing you…

Betting more sub-bass, less treble, more extention

Well, it might not be tuned to my target (neither does the Oxygen) but it does look well tuned.


waiting on your impressions :slight_smile:

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Hopefully it wont take long for me to get it and not long before they go out with all the info they usually do with new iems.

Either that one or O2 or Mk2, Hifi go is probably getting my moneys in the nexts months :wink:

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KATO isnt in the candidate list? :joy:

I have no faith it will reach O2 knees. I want the best DD money can buy under 300 or 400. I can’t justify going 600 for a DD, or else I’d go Illumination prolly.

Oh and I forgot Timeless.

I am guessing it be something like:
KATO < Oxygen <= Falcon Pro

I take the bass on the Oxygen but the treble does look better on the Illu.

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Damn, if that ends up the case, I’ll be impressed (and happy because it’s cheaper I think).

I just wanna see if Falcon has the same magic with Female Vocals than O2

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