RikudouGoku's Database (IEMs/Earbuds/Headphones Ranking list)

Yep, I already have these and wish I did not.


That’s all I needed to hear lol

IMO, if you have anything in my tier 1 rec (Tea), you can completely ignore KZ & CCA.


One all-BA KZ set that keep being recommended in forums to this day is the old(-ish) BA10.

Do you know anything about them @Rikudou_Goku ?

I’m guessing it must have fantastic slam, dynamics and timbre. No? Glancing my eyes across that graph I doubt the bass would bleed into mids.

From what I read it is a form of driver type compensation, as explained by HBB in its Lokahi - SA6 - RSV shootout. But I haven’t listened to neither BA10 or AST.
Would you bother elaborating on AST ?

Skipped them in the past due to the size. Not interested in them now lol.

That is true. BAs need an higher bass curve to slam and compensate the lack of physical rumble. But that only works when done right (Lokahi for instance). I think you have to go high budget for full BA sets to shine (500+) vs DD or hibrids, but at that point, the market is ruthless.

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I understand. Had they been shaped like DQ6 they would have been part of my budget tour of different setups and sound signatures already.

I am merely repeating things I have not experienced myself, but from what I gather we can find $200-ish all-BA sets today with fast deep bass but still less slam than the best DD.
GS Audio ST series, GT12, Shanling AE3 (despite strange FR) to name a few. They use expensive vented dual bass BA.
GS Audio also associates DD and BA for bass in most of their GD (5 and up) and SD series.

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After I get my collection settle, I’m going for a full BA, for sure. I like something about it, but for some genres you’ll need DD for sure.

Also, I’ll need a vented set. But I like them.

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For the record, I have asked CCA’s official AE store about tuning differences between CA24 and AST, that their rep claimed exist, and he refuses to answer.

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Sounds to me like they are saying the DD takes care of the bass and the BA for the mids though.


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They have changed its description then.

Yup, by that description it would sound like both the DD and BA are taking care of the bass.

(which I believe is something Thieaudio does with the Monarch/Clair?)

The right description is yours. It is coherent with Akro’s review and let’s not forget the current GD5 is a v2 actually. My screenshot is from when it just came back online.

Did they change the tuning on it?

(current graph)

GD5 is interesting though, if this is true.

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I don’t think so.

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It’s the worst IEM I own. It sounds dull, uninspired. Very unhappy with it as soon as I listened to it.