RikudouGoku's Database (IEMs/Earbuds/Headphones Ranking list)

@Rikudou_Goku wasn’t GD11 a mixed DD-BA bass setup ? I can’t see anything above 185€ VAT in anymore in their shop.

GD11 is not good, avoid that one…

GD5 is very interesting to me now…

Thank you. That’s a skip then.

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Nah rest assured my wallet isn’t that kind of machine gun. Just out of candid curiosity.

Really isnt good…

DD + Sonion 33 for bass as well ?

No mentions on the specific drivers.

From Sweden you still have access to their entire range ?

Yeah, no problems for me.

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YESSSSS, the GD3C is in the tuning stage and they are trying to make it vented. They are listening to me. :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray:


You did tell them we don’t want no half-a** DD this time right ? Helluva slam mandatory !

I did tell them about the vent. I also told them they could take a look at my target.

Just from adding the vent, the DD should sound quite different from how it is right now though.

In addition I wonder if tubing the DD from its side has any influence on air impact, versus tubing from the front of the DD.

Everything has an impact on the sound, especially with DDs.

I hope you will get to try a set.

Will probably buy it asap when its done regardless of discounts/freebies lol. :joy:


Just hope they don’t get excited on that sub-bass :rofl: Looks promising :slight_smile:

No review units? :thinking:

lol, with the DD they are using, it doesnt sound nearly as much as it graphs (responds more like a BA).

They give 30% I believe, but no review units as far as I know.

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was talking about your target :rofl:

If it looks as good as it gets, I might buy one went it releases. I’m curious about their sets!

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