RikudouGoku's Database (IEMs/Earbuds/Headphones Ranking list)

hahhaha lol.

If you guys need a headphone hanger, this is pretty good

Epro EP01

EP01, Spiral Dots++, Deep Mount

EP01, Spiral Dots++


That is a super wide bore there.

The widest bore I have seen.

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Ngl, I imagine it makes our normal IEMs turn into CIEMs.

yeah, told ya, gigantic bores. I’ll need to wait for EP01, only have EP00 atm, but I kinda light their signature. They seem to increase midbass on Variations, since they are deep, so i’m good.

I might grab that HP stand, thanks :slight_smile:


Alright, regarding those EP01 they are the widest bore I have seen but makes everything warmer, penalizes clarity and overall technicalities.
In a nutshell. I dont like them lol.

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Oh damn, you guys (@luizgarcia) with the Dunu Zen, try this PEQ setting:

(predicted graph of the preset that is simulating my target from 1k+)
(dont forget a preamp of -5db)

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oh hey looks like Dunu has sent out the shipping order for my Falcon Pro yesterday. Should be getting a tracking number soon I guess. :+1:



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Very much!

Very nice, part of me hopes it is really good (a new toy) and part hopes it is meh (save some money).

Haha yeah. The battle between your ears and your wallet. :joy:

Speaking of ears vs wallet my latest bad financial decision is out for delivery right now. (UM 3DT). Hoping it is a good musical decision.


Hey, Yincrow X6 lovers!

Thinking about recabling my X6s. :thinking: I’ve got a red and blue set. Not in love with the cable as it’s kinda inflexible.

The blue is quite obvious to go with blue, but from the cables I’m looking at there’s no red. What do you ya’ll think?

I’m leaning towards the yellow/gold cable or the copper/pink. :thinking:

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Wow man, good job with this EQ! It really opens up the soundstage, vocals sound perfect and cymbals / high frequencies sound super coherent.

I had a good preset i was using but i think i like yours better, of course i did add a bit of a low shelf. Just a tiny bit :rofl:

EDIT: Why have you decided to lower 2200 and 3956? It sounds awesome but i would not have that idea by looking at the Zen’s frequency response, for my EQ i focused on the highs roll-off almost exclusively. Was it something you notice by listening to it or looking at the graph?


You can ask REW about it lol. :joy:

Not into diy so I don’t really know tbh…

But CEMA also got some diy wires.

Sorry, maybe I was unclear. :sweat_smile: I’m just asking for opinions on what color of these cables to go with for the red X6. There’s no red cable color, so either the yellow or copper. Of course, silver or black would be a good neutral choice.

oh, I think the blue, silver and gold would look good.


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