RikudouGoku's Database (IEMs/Earbuds/Headphones Ranking list)

The o2 is the specialist, while the Falcon is the versatile one. So they are aiming at different things and hard to score them that way, it is entirely library depended. With my library, I do believe the Falcon is edging out the O2 but for acoustic/vocal music with female vocals (the stuff it is specialized for) the O2 is probably better.

All 3 iems I got today are good though.

But it probably goes like this right now:

Falcon Pro > Timeless > Bravery


Damn it. I was coming in here to ask when I can place a pre order for it but seriously fuck that horrible mid hump!

I like neutral flat mids. That’s a no go for me. :frowning:

So freaking disappointing. SHIT! It looked like such an amazing deal.


Yeah, exactly. O2.

Bro we need to talk… And it might cost you :rofl:

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PM bro. I’m guessing you have some info on some of the mystery stuff coming out later this month? UM?

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Dunu Falcon Pro impressions:
Mildly V-shaped; Sub-bass roll-off, lacking some quantity as well. But mid-bass is quite fast and tight despite the elevated quantity so it is clean. Vocals are a bit recessed but otherwise quite clean and natural, especially male vocals. Treble is very smooth and does have air, will probably not offend anyone with peaks.
Sounds like a mix between the Sony XBA-N3 (Mids/Treble) and the Dunu Zen (Bass).


I’m guessing the Falcon kicks like a mule being a part of the eclipse tech family? How are you dealing with that mid hump? It reminds of the FD5 arc.

Well… That’s promising.

I’ll, as I always do… Patiently wait for @Rikudou_Goku to tell me to or not to. He knows best. :slight_smile:

Yes, it has the Zen´s bass texture in its DNA.

Its actually not a problem, all it does is add some note-weight and warmth overall. (not as thick nor warm as the XBA-N3 for example.)

FD5 has a more sub-bass focused bass, quite different from this based on my memory.



Thanks bro.

Very interested in your thoughts on that stage and imaging on Timeless since I’m getting so much heat for honesty.


I see if I can get to it later.

But IMO; if people are giving you shit for giving out free information on something you bought yourself. They are quite ungrateful for it and you might just want to stop giving them free shit while they are shitting on you…


Don’t mind them. If you say imaging is not good on Timeless, I believe you. You’ve heard more IEMs than most of us and we can only be grateful that you share info and knowledge with us.




I am being so sensitive today…

Just ignore them they should be grateful instead.
Personally, I do appreciate the time, and the work you put to give us a perfect review.


So how is the bass quantity and bass quality of the Falcon Pro compared to the Sony N3 and does it sound non-fatiguing as well? I guess the Falcon Pro slams pretty hard?

Looks interesting, looking forward to your full review. I actually like the graph as long as there is not any bloat being carried over into the lower mids I don’t mind the Bass shape at all. The transparent filter looks to be possibly the preferred shape for me.

Quality is better on the Falcon
Quantity is higher on the N3

Yes it does. (pretty damn good for rock/metal actually)

Transparent had a bit too much treble for me.


Yea I think I have learned I am more of a treble head then a bass head. That looks tame compared to the 3DT.

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Thanks for the hug @Godria Back at you!

I just report what I hear. People also should remember I’m used to MEST MKII and tribrids. Hopefully it might give some insight what you might be getting at higher price points. For most, the Timeless at 200 bucks will be amazing.


Looks nice keeping a bit of the steep rise, while cutting off a bit of the 5k peak. Looks like a probable buy for me assuming you don’t find anything odd in your review.

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I need that in my collection then. Thanks for the quick first impression!