RikudouGoku's Database (IEMs/Earbuds/Headphones Ranking list)

I had it, 1.25m. Good cable with low impedance, so I think it will be fine.

I just don’t dig normal copper color on Teas, dark copper is prettier :joy:

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Ask Xinhs guy to make a custom length for you.

For me the HD6XX/650 (they both the same) cuz of comfort, and they are warmer than the Sundara, the vocal performance, and way better timber.
I don’t know I found the Sundara abit bright for my liking.

I had the old Sundara I don’t know about the new one 2020.


Sundara is far more technically capable headphone, handles EQ very well, and is really one of the best values in the headphone space with EQ to bring the bass up, in my opinion.

HD6xx is loved for it’s warmth, midrange, and timbre, known to scale very well, but not nearly as technically capable as the Sundara and really is a vocal focused headphone.


Thank you, 1.25m sounds good, the stock cable is only 1 meter or so. 1.5m would probably be perfect though.

(not the headphone expert here, nor have I heard those iems lol.)

I think its a standard lenght cable, which is usually around 1.25M.

As long as you get the right connection yes.




I tested a ton of over ear headphones and find the 2020 Version of the Sundara with a bit of EQ to bring the bass up to be a super value and absolutely incredible for the price.

It needs a good amount of power though and EQ helps it a ton as the bass is incredible on it but just a bit low for my tastes.

In terms of detail, tuning, staging, imaging for music, resolution, etc. It’s really hard to beat.

If you want the best value for an all around headphone, the Sundara is the one, in my opinion.

The only clear upgrade sub-$1000 from my experience is the Hifiman HE6SE V2, but it needs an absolutely insane amount of power so it goes well over $1k once you factor in the Amp required to drive it. They are an incredible value though when they are on sale for $650 from Adorama. After owning the Sundara, they were the first headphone to make me go “wow” again.

The 6xx is a great headphone but much less versatile in my opinion, it’s really a vocal focused headphone with excellent timbre. Even at much higher prices, there are few headphones that do vocals as well as it.


I hate the word better. It is different. The HD6XX is well known as being some people’s endgame headphone. I believe M0N from this site still claims it is one of his all time headphones ever.

The HD6XX has some of the most natural timbre and perfect midrange tuning of any headphone ever. It is the benchmark many other headphones are compared against and usually can not match.

It is not that well extended in the treble or bass but for it’s price, it is unbeatable. It also scales with better and better amps and dacs. In addition, it excels with tubes.

I have owned a lot of headphones and have sold a lot of headphones. I have very expensive headphones in my collection yet I could never think about parting with the HD6XX.

In the end, both the Sundara and the HD6XX are both very good headphones. But when it comes to the HIFIMan stuff, I rec other sets other than the Sundara. If you can swing it and find it on sale, get the HE6se V2. BGGAR rates it #2 under the Susvara.


so??? :rage:

I’m hoping the falcon has landed

Someone on headfi also showed a pic of their Falcon pro box in hand. Keen for the early impressions🙌🏼


It’s about damn time.

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dafuq? isn’t it… strange?


No, its actually very clean.


I’m playing with the graph, it’s another Tea like graph, deceiving. But this one will need comparitions for sure. Will be hard to measure it vs Oxygen by FR without libraries.

That subbass rolloff and midbass hump looks a bit weird tho…
Similar but not similar :grinning:


Well, I do think I can tell you that if you wanted a female vocal specialist iem, the Oxgyen is probably still king of the hill.


Fortunately it doesnt sound like that…


Yeah, what I expected. Thanks bro, still curious about your first impressions tho :slight_smile:

Lol this cracked me up :rofl:


So the O 2 still rules then ? I guess we will find out soon. Please state how it does with fast complex music also. I look forward to your review. I suspect as a 1 did iemyou will like that is almost a given.

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