RikudouGoku's Database (IEMs/Earbuds/Headphones Ranking list)

2000 usd for a BA set vs something like the Sony Z1R/Sennheiser IE900? Yeah, no way. Absolutely no way I go for the BA set instead…


Ie900 doesnr convince me, but yeah, you have a point. Good luck fiting z1r with those ears :stuck_out_tongue:

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Yeah, Z1R wont fit me…no way…

Hopefully when Sony releases the MK2 ( :pray:) they shrink it down and make it have a better fit (like they did with the XBA-Z5 to the XBA-N3) and also make it cheaper.
(then again, they DID cut the price from like 700 usd to 300 usd on the Z5 to the N3…)


Sorry to tell you, rikudou_goku, but your graph is plain wrong.

Conditions are made with diamonds, not rectangles!!! Give me the name of your teacher, I have to talk to him/her.


I guess I’m not buying Bravery.

Not because it’s a BA only set. Not because my brains get sucked out my ear holes with unvented IEMs, but because master @Rikudou_Goku can not find a reason for its existence.

Timmy's review of the BRAVERY claiming it's essentially the equivalent of another $2500.00 IEM


I guess it’s not really a $2,500.00 IEM wrapped up in a $279.00 package? Timmy, I was enjoying your content so much bro. :frowning:


lol, I just created one pretty quickly…

Not to nitpick you also have a logic error where [Do you want forward mids] must simultaneously be both true and false… though since the output is only “not the bravery” and “why does the bravery exist” having an impossible condition really does not matter in the end.

These 2 things don’t have to be exclusive. I am sure there are plenty of $2,500 IEMs that Riku would find no reason for existing.

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I wouldn’t recommend it to you no matter the sound… Cuz that “vent” is just bait and doesn’t do anything for pressure…

All the 5 star reviews on it are obvious shills…


Bro, he comes off as a bit of a shiller. At least has some vibe of that.

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Tbh I have no idea who that is… I barely watch any reviews nowadays… Lost too much trust in the reviewers out there… Except for a small handful


He’s Crinacle’s video editor. Yes, Crinacle has actually been making YouTube videos lately. They are quite entertaining and I do have to admit, I’ve been loving them. He’s quite the personality.


Hey @Resolution, does the HE6se slam at all? I would love to know how it compares with the LCD-X in that regard.

Also, have you tried speaker amps with this thing?

i didn’t watch his bravery review but i did see his ranking list and he’s only ranked it at B+ alongside stuff like Oxygen and Tea. the comment next to it seems to only refer to the Anole VX due to the tuning and not technicalities

i only mention this because the term “shill” is being thrown around so carelessly and it seems he has the bravery in a reasonable standing

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I didn’t know about the crinacle stuff! I’ll have to make research.

Gizaudio is good on making videos, that’s for sure, but I always had a feeling of him being a tad too positive in his reviews. That why I take his feedback with a grain of salt.

Did you make that chart?



Did you hear IE900?

Nah bro, talking about graph. That pinna gain region doesnt suit my library for a blind buy. bet its a TOTL iem tho.

I havent been fortunate enough to try good single DDs, just tribids and BA sets

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@Rikudou_Goku @nymz , how the hell do you guys put LBBS in your ears? I hate the fact there’s only housing and they’re really difficult to fit them decently :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

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Not sure… They just hang there…perfectly :joy:

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Ok, I think I figured it out… you have to “properly” insert them from the start and not touch them for the sake of life after.
With @Rikudou_Goku EQ, these are bass cannons :heart_eyes: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :star_struck:
