RikudouGoku's Database (IEMs/Earbuds/Headphones Ranking list)

Looks like it will have more air than the Starfield, otherwise seems pretty close.

You might be able to simulate it a bit with using EQ and boosting the 10k area a bit.


That is a damn nice faceplate actually…

Akros is a crazy hoarder. I should free some time to go and meet his known drawers stashed with IEMs. He lives like 30 mins away from me


damn, that is close. He certainly owns a ton of stuff. But mostly in the budget range If I am not wrong, so maybe you wont find that many that are impressive to you.

Knowledge is power :man_shrugging: You never know. Maybe I find more end-game pieces :slight_smile:

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Amazing review. I did not make a mistake that I ordered them, but I will wait 5 weeks for delivery. For prog metal they look promising. How are the dynamics and transients?

Tech is below average so…

But for rock/metal, it is a lot harder to get the tonality right so thats more important to me.

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Incredible review. The comparisons really allow me to get a good picture of what the Falcon can and can’t do well by giving me multiple points of reference to sounds I know well.

Thank you for all you do.


Goku Thumbs up

@Rikudou_Goku what is your take on Sivga SV021?

You agree with Zeos? :thinking:

I have reviewed it and it ain’t good

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Where can I see your review?

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Damn you went hard lol! Thanks for avoiding me a bad purchase! :joy:

Bunch of shills on that one…

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That’s what I love about @Rikudou_Goku and what separates him from majority of reviewers… Multiple comparisons and sound references. They really help a lot to create your picture how an IEM can do

edit: Just check his DT300 review, reviews after his are so apparent damage control it’s too funny


Great review of the Dunu Falcon Pro. I think it’s detailed and refreshingly blunt. The comparisons are wonderful. It did make me decide they are not for me. I need an all around Iem not a one trick pony.I had the ISN 40 and not really interested in recessed mids. Thanks you kept me from making a bad decision.


Man that is what you call an extensive review. Dunu can be satisfied, anyway from my part a big thank you.
I understand that tonally you find them great for rock & metal, but are they fast enough for agressive sub-genres ? I mean, the Metallica part of the comparison with BL-03 intrigues me when you state that bass speed is similar between the two.
Disclaimer : I don’t own BL-03 anymore. But from my memory, they are even slower than DQ6, themselves being slower than NRA and GD3A (they are about the same speed, NRA with more punch and quantity).
Can FP become congested by fast kickdrums ans fast riffs as BL-03 ?

If I may suggest a test track, Behold from Orbit Culture begins as a slow rock ballad then goes faster and faster, and more agressive. At which time of this song does FP become congested in your opinion ?


Thank you.

That particular track you linked isnt THAT fast so its not really a problem there, although stuff like the DQ6 and the GD3A are indeed faster. Its only on the extreme speedy tracks that it should get a bit bloated, but I dont listen to them so…

Do keep in mind that my 03 is mesh modded, that is a big difference in specifically bass speed/tightness compared to the stock. The tighter bass on the Falcon does help a lot vs the 03 though.


Well if they cope with the double kickdrums bursts and those riffs during the final 30 seconds of the track they are fine :wink: