RikudouGoku's Database (IEMs/Earbuds/Headphones Ranking list)

Jealous because I think the R70x could be my endgame cans, but I rarely ever USE full-size headphones so I have yet to bite the bullet (speakers at home, IEMs on the road).

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…headphones dont get much use for me either lol.

its iems > earbuds > headphones
If I want to listen “seriously” to music.

Otherwise, i have music on almost 24/7 on my speakers.


MK2> IEMs> Headphones> Sennheiser :sunglasses:

Some more impressions regarding the Timeless.

The Tonality on it, is basically a “jack of all trades, master of none” type for my library. It doesnt do anything bad, but nothing outstanding, for a planar iem it is definitely impressive (since every other planar iem seems to have crap tonality…). Although electronic music works pretty well (for another reason).

The tech, well, specifically the soundstage depth, is quite dissapointing, it seems to be the cause for why my OST and Sawano tracks doesnt sound that good, it makes everything sounds like it is only a straight 2D line from left to right.

Which is the reason why electronic music sounds better to me, since they arent as demanding with soundstage and imaging as with acoustic music.
Like this:


Would you say that they the Timeless could be used as a reference set with semi-neutral tuning and good detail retrieval? Or is there anything else wonky that wouldn’t put them in that category?

I mean…the tonality does seem to be U-shaped, so its not really a neutral iem. Detai, seems to be good though.

At that price range, I guess the Hana 2021 is the best rec (if it is a mini Oxygen at least) for a more reference set. (excluding stuff like the Ety ER2SE/XR)


Ah ok thanks for that. I’m still unsure what I’m looking for. I can’t stand having too many IEM’s and would prefer single driver types where possible.

I’ll look into the ER2XR. I couldn’t get on with the fit with the Aonic 3 so I’m not sure the Ety’s will be any better.

Hana 2021


The ER line is like driving a small object in to your ear… well because that is how it works. It is definitely not a fit everyone will like so make sure if you get it you do so at a place with a reasonable return policy just in case.

That being said I do love the ER2XR despite the fit and it having a very hard to replace not good cable.


If the headband “wings” are too loose/wide for your head, use an rubber band to make it tighter. That works great on my AD700X.

I tried that way back when I got them. I used to have long hair and the rubber bands would get caught in my hair. So then I went to string. The string felt like it was cutting into my head!

In the end, I just dealt with it feeling like is was about to fall off my head. I got used to it. It’s not for me.

Does it have enough bass (not sub-bass) for electronic?
If it does it could be great for electronic music because of the good detail and resolution and the fact that soundstage, timbre and imaging is not as needed.

I say it has a bit more sub-bass than the graph shows to me. So yeah, it does satsfiy me.


damn, IE900 treble tuning for like 12x cheaper. (TWS though)


Oh so it is tuned like the momentum 1 TWS… that is a hard pass then. The Momentum was the TWS that made me write off the “premium” bracket of TWS when I returned it to amazon.

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Another tribrid lol.

Guess you might be able to skip the IE900 then, since they do look quite similar with the treble at least.

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Who is Astrotec? It looks like they made 2 very nice looking IEMs, not to sure about the prices, unless they are particularly exceptional. Are they a part of some other company?

They seem to have 2 iems, that I have never heard about and a few tws.

They are mostly known for their buds.

Although I havent seen much talk/hype about them recently…


Their designer seems like they’re pretty good. Hopefully their tuner is as proficient. Would be a shame if such nicely designed IEMs were mediocre.