RikudouGoku's Database (IEMs/Earbuds/Headphones Ranking list)

For a treble boosting tip, yes.

My favorite tip is still the Type E though.

Does the Xelastec sound the same as the Crystal? If so, the only issue is the fit or the dust magnet?

I guess I can’t find the Type E on Aliexpress, can I?

Crystal does the same sound better. So if you like the Xelastec, you should love the crystal.
(the crystal also fixes the dust magnet and the weird formability aspect on the Xelastec as well.)

No clue. IMO; Japanese = fake on aliexpress, is a good way to think about it.

(see if you can get the Final E500/E1000, thats a cheap way of getting those tips along with some good iems.


I’ll wait for more reviews on the Crystal on Aliexpress… I really enjoy the Xelastec and they fit me perfectly – in fact they are now my preferred tip replacing my former favourite which was the Spinfit CP360.

I’ll look for those! Thanks!!

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The fit is pretty identical between the two assuming you don’t accidentally get the TWS version of the crystal instead of the full sized one.

Looking for Final E1000 on Aliexpress…


not on aliexpress…its from japan.

I’ve just sent a message to the store on Ali asking for a picture of the package of the Crystal he has in stock. The only problem is that I think this store is just doing drop shipping as when I ask for products he sends me screenshots of some other app in Chinese asking me if that is the one I want…

True. Dumb me. lol

Damn, Oxygen sounds really shouty and thin to my ears. I’m definitely digging IE300’s mid-bass boost. TRN BA15 is a disaster.

That’s hilarious since there are westerners who drop ship stuff off of AliExpress, so they might be drop shipping a drop shipment. #dropshipallyhewaydown


…I feel like I might have another slight rant about the Bravery…while I am listening to the Timeless lol. :joy:


Go on!

Get it off your chest! :joy::+1:

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And I thought they haven’t had enough shills.

SeeAudio Bravery rant #2
(Based on my first impressions notes)

Alright, what tonality does it have? Mildly-V-shaped? What is the priority for someone wanting a Mildly-V-shaped tonality? It can’t be bass or treble right? Well, because if it is. Why the fuck, would you include a Sonion BA (which are mostly known for their Bass or their timbre) and let it do the MIDS, instead of the bass or treble?

Instead, you are using Knowles for both the bass and treble, when Knowles´ pros/cons vs Sonion, is their technicalities and clarity. Which would be better put to use for the mids rather than the bass/treble. Where Sonion BA´s are more like a DD for the bass and more natural sounding for the treble (the treble being IMO the most difficult area to get timbre right).

Why have a laidback tuning, using Knowles treble BA, just to dampen it and thus, removing the pro (technicalities/resolution) it has against Sonion treble BA´s.

Feels like a wasted potential to me…


Oh and before anyone asks me if I can come up with a better combination with 3 Knowles and 1 Sonion BA.

Well, then.

  1. IF I wanted laidback tuning, that has relaxed treble and not too much bass, I would use the 3 Knowles BA for the bass/mids and dampen them so the coherency is matching the Sonion BA that is doing the treble. Because Sonion BA´s have a more relaxed and natural timbre, that’s why it is doing the treble where it is the easiest to screw up the tonality with too sharp/fatiguing treble and unnatural timbre. The Knowles for the bass is more fitting because they are cleaner and doesn’t have as much impact as a Sonion (which is similar to a DD) so it will be more of a laidback tuning.
  2. IF I wanted a V-shaped tuning, that emphasizes the bass, I would use the Sonion for the bass to get that DD-like bass from it and then the Knowles for the mids/treble and dampen them so they match the Sonion. Only difference between setup 1 and 2, is that nr 2 will have a more dynamic and more engaging bass, so its not as laidback as nr 1.

(assumption; that Sonion BA´s have a more natural timbre, more relaxed/warmer and also more DD-like when acting as a woofer.)


@Rikudou_Goku any 2 cents bout these sets?

Dont have them, but looks like I would need my foam mod.

(DQ6 is probably superior)

Yeah weird treble.