RikudouGoku's Database (IEMs/Earbuds/Headphones Ranking list)

No idea, maybe, if they share something in common.

Well on setup alone I find it an interesting match : BA-like DD versus dual BA handling bass, Sonion BA on both sides for mids, Bellsing vs Knowles BA on treble.
Though Bravery come with a massive price disadvantage compared to GD3A.

On a personnal note, Bravery’s FR graph ressembles my EQed GD3A.

Bass shifted towards mid-bass, earlier pinna gain, 5 kHz dip instead of a gain.
Interesting treble extension, and on the softer side if I read you well ?

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I will comment more on it when I start listening to it. Shouldnt be long, since I should be done with the Timeless tomorrow or on tuesday…

No rush really. Thank you for all the work and I hope you come across a set you thoroughly enjoy soon. No standout september release if I read you well.

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Seems like it. Although who knows, maybe the Kato will be the oxygen killer. :smirk:

And I do want the lz A4 pro to be good, like their old A6…



Want to give a big thank you to @Rikudou_Goku for the Sony tips rec. You just shot new life into my Thieaudio Tribrids. With the Sony’s, I’m able to go with smaller tips than I usually do and they are also shorter which is ending up to be some secret sauce on these IEMs. They are not only sealing perfectly in my ears, the size adjustment pulls the shell into my ears more and I’m generally getting a much better fit. They are also much more secure. I’m no longer experiencing the shell slowing making it’s way out of my ear they usually do.

Thank you so much. You have no idea how happy the tip change on these has made me!


Which tips are these again? Keen to get some!

Sony EP-EX11

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Any KZ Zex impressions yet?

The same experience with C8. Plus it got abit hard.

… I still have that cable tho on the Blon 03

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Lol… If u keep posting like those beautiful photos… I will end up living on the street…:sob:

They look like jewelry to me :blush:

Read me

Keep taking those beautiful photos I like them (I am just kidding)



Have you tried this cable?

Or this one

I want to buy one of them, but 16 Cores seems a bit too much? What do you think?

Thank you

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After all this DQ6 talk lately, I pulled out my set that I haven’t listened to in quite some time and decided to try the @rikudou_goku foam mod (with Final tips).

I must say that it certainly does even out the top end and give these a far better response. I found them especially good for some relaxed R&B (I had forgotten how much I like the bass on these).


2021-09-27: 7Hz Timeless: 7Hertz Timeless - Reviews | Headphone Reviews and Discussion - Head-Fi.org

Rank: B

Probably the first planar iem with good tonality, but oh boy is it butchered by the almost zero depth stage and a result, horrible imaging.

Skip it unless you are rich (although you would have better options to get in that case) or if you really want a planar iem without using EQ (if you can use EQ, the Tin P1 is better, or if you are ok with just it having a planar, the tribrid Tri I3 Pro will be leagues better).


@Rikudou_Goku I’ve read ur review on the K´s Earphone Bell LBBS and i want it but the with mic is there any difference between the mic and the non model . It was a nice discovery and it’s all thanks to you

The mic comes only with LBB model and you do not want that…
Buy the LBBS specifically (only available in black without mic AFAIK)


I just tried Blon bl03 with the mesh mod and Radius Deep Mount and it’s sounds unbelievable different iem


Game changing combination. :+1:

Are you using a regular 2pin cable so you don’t block the bass vent?

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Yes a 2 pin cable. I wanted to buy the mangrid tea on 11. 11 but I just want to listen to the blon I’m just afraid I’ll be to disappointed after hearing this combination. Did u tried the tea?