RikudouGoku's Database (IEMs/Earbuds/Headphones Ranking list)

No I haven’t tried it. If you enjoy the 03 that much. You don’t “need” another iem lol.
(unless you are addicted like everyone else here is hahaha)


But there is a lot of headphones, earbuds and speakers

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Tnx for the good tips, and keep on the good work rly love you ranking

Thank you very much. :pray:

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I am a member of IEMs anonymous.


Hello, my name is Ricardo, and I’m an IEM anonymous.

I buy stuff I don’t need and I’m here to share my experiences.


Can I join? I could use some help. :wink:


I think Ricardo over there handles memberships. Paging @nymz

Oh boy, if i’m administrative worker for that organization, @Resolution is the headmaster…

Dude’s insane


Lego iem. :joy:


Very interesting, about the closest anyone outside of Japan might get to the Final Audio MAKE series.

Wow, interesting to see how the same IEM can sound so different while comparing reviewer’s impressions:


There is kind of a HUGE difference between holographic imaging and wide soundstage and what you heard! LOL

I am trusting you on this one of course :slight_smile:


Hi I want to buy the K’s Temperament 小黑铃 Bell-LBBs and I’m wondering if it’s I difrence in sound for the mic version, becse for me phone use it’s rly useful

LBBS does not have mic version. The normal versions are the LBB without S and they have mic.

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Tnx for the clarification, didn’t see that

Wait whaaaat? I didn’t know this was a thing on the bl-03?


Yes, don’t be a @Resolution please :wink:

Use straight 2pin

Weird. Well, I find the soundstage very intimate personally in line with Riku and Reso.

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That is why I hold a personal list of prominent hobbyists or reviewers whose impressions remind me of what I hear in my small collection of varied budget sets.
It is fine that we all disagree in the overall grades or rankings because of different priorities. Goku, HBB and Paul for instance I find very good at describing what they hear first, and then give their appreciation. This separation I find is priceless. We also sometimes hear things a bit differently for various reasons. But opposite impressions on sets I own are a red flag, as are 4,5+ stars reviews from “New HFiers”.

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Neither did I. @Rikudou_Goku noticed that the custom cables I had made for the Blon BL-03 were covering a vent I did not know existed and I could not even see with my bare eyes.

The EJ07m cable appears to have been made for the BL-03. Here were some phots from yesterdays experimentation and discussion with the Blon BL-03…