RikudouGoku's Database (IEMs/Earbuds/Headphones Ranking list)

You do push them as far inside as you can, right ?
I mean, because they fit so deep with their bullet shape, for me I would need half a size down compared to most tips eg Spinfit CP100 or 145. But they don’t make half sizes like ML afaik.

Ha ha. C’mon, of course. They fall right out. They will not fit or seal for me. Don’t know how else to say it.


Just an update I have these incoming:

LZ A4 Pro
FiiL T1 Lite

(both are in sweden now, hopefully I get them this week.)

Intime Sora Light 2019


Paid 60 usd for that one lol. (37 usd iem + 23 usd shipping)

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From what I read here and there, fitting IEMs to your ears seem an even trickier affair than with my strange angled right ear canal :face_with_hand_over_mouth:


Yeah, some of us are very lucky we don’t have these issues.
My coworker tried almost every tip there is and only tips that work for him are Xelastec. Every other don’t seal and IEM’s fall out of his ear in a matter of minutes, even Spinfits. He was genuinely happy as a kid when he heard Aria’s bass for the first time ever when he got proper seal with Xelastec.


Yeah. Oftentimes it is enough that I blink a tad too strongly and my right ear just ejects the IEM.
Securing a good seal for more than a few minutes with GS Audio GD3A for instance has been a long journey, mainly because of the short nozzle. Harder than with BL-03. But that’s just me.


wow, I never had issues with the fit. Heck, it might have TOO good of a fit, so its actually hard to remove it from my ears.

For sure that is very personnal.
Have I told you that after some adjustments, I can fit LBBS earbuds neatly at the entry of my ear canal, and I get so much bass that I have dumped all EQ and fitted donut foams to tame the bass a little bit ? Far from your 15 dB bass boost :face_with_hand_over_mouth: (which I understand totally with a looser fit)


Yeah, I do notice a very impressive sub bass performance from the LBBS if I push it deeper with my fingers… I want that kind of fit normally :sob:


Main takeaway is that although we have different ear structures and libraries your recs are very solid :+1:


Damn, same feelings :+1:

LBBS IEM edition when


I wanna try out using sleeping head band to push LBBS a little bit into my ears, but I doubt it works and instead getting ear pain.

How often do you guys clean your tips? I was just reading a thread on youtube about people having irritated ears / eczema etc and made me realize I’ve never cleaned mine :thinking:

Only when they get some ear wax if I didn’t remember cleaning my ears at early mornings, I tend to not clean them often to increase lifespan.

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Have you tried over-ear + ear hook + gentle push towards your ear canal ?

Never heard of it, can you show me :thinking:


Oh that’s how I wear them, but it don’t sit perfectly at the entry of my ear canals so the bass feels loose a bit.