RikudouGoku's Database (IEMs/Earbuds/Headphones Ranking list)

I haven’t touched my pair of EA500s, I’m happy enough with them and my basshead needs are fulfilled by the Maestro Minis comfortably.

Oooooo Gen 3 is incoming!?

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Yeah, I believe my writeup will be done purely stock.

Still not done with alpha phase lol. That gif was referring to me creating one that can either go Saber or Lancer, not sure yet, currently is very similar to Lancer mids/treble but with Saber bass shelf (no mid-bass dip like harman, which Lancer is similar to). (possibly Grand tier as well.)


Well, that’s all I needed to read then. I’m in. Grand Lancer in bound?!? :smirk::smirk::smirk:


Well, as it is only alpha (which is the Shell R&D phase) its just a candidate model. Beta will be the real fun when I be testing out more drivers with the perfected shell.

Also need a cool name for the tech I am using, it is a soundstage booster essentially. Current name I am thinking of is “SoundSphere”.


That is a sick name, very nice. Well, whenever you get through the beta phase, if you have a OG DM like Bud in the line-up, I’ll be in the line to buy a pair.

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What about “Expander”?


I’m not the best at picking names, but I’d love a bud called the Hadouken!


Make a 5 DD set called Exodia (upgrade DM) - I’d buy it asap


I’m beating this drum until it happens. Lancer and Assassin are the normal classes that have never gotten a Grand variant. Lancer deserves it, dammit.

What would a Gen 3 Caster even look like, by the way?


The poor class without a single model. :joy:

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Just curious, how difficult would it be to make a set with 5DDs in it? Is it possible or even worth the effort? Besides timbre and maybe bass how would additional DDs perform versus EST/BAs etc in other frequencies?

If anyone knows please chime in :thinking:

That would frankly be impossible without it having a HUGE shell and even then, those DDs needs to be TINY and possibly in coaxial configuration(like micro DD sized (this is with iems btw).


What about something like 2-8mm coaxial DD for sub, and two sets of 2-6mm coaxial for mids and treble respectively?

Would that end up needing a giant shell? (bigger than what you need for 12+BA for example?)

Or a configuration that actually adds up to 5…

I dunno, even the 3DT is a huge shell and that “only” has 3 DDs (10mm + 2 x 7mm)

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Ya that’s along the line of what I was thinking. Not huge 10-12MM monsters but more smaller ones.

Ah I see. So it’s just more because of how much space it takes then, or I guess the awkward/efficient fit of the driver with the shell? I’m guessing you would need a degree of extra space for reverb and stuff.

Yeah, Serial is a 10+8+6mm (IIRC) and it’s not a huge shell. RSV is 5BA and large, SA6 is 6BA and tiny.

Who knows what you can do if you’re creative enough with it

Yes, the space is gonna be an issue.

Here is an 8mm coaxial DD

and a single 8mm DD

Its not only just stuffing as many drivers as you can, with DDs the internals are damn important for tuning as well. So stuffing it full with other DDs might just end up a disaster.


Although I guess a coaxial DD + Coaxial+Piezo DD could work. (4 DD + 1 Piezo)

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Koss ksc75 shell size but with a nozzle :joy: Who wants to do it with me :laughing: