RikudouGoku's Database (IEMs/Earbuds/Headphones Ranking list)

Judging from the pictures, it does look similar. Although with different mmcx connector and a black instead of silver 2.5/4.4mm connector.

Not only beryllium coated, but double sided beryllium coating on the 12mm bass DD. Which dunu only has on their DK2001 and up models. Their Titan 6 has a single sided coating only and most likely all these other budget beryllium coated DD´s are single sided coated only.


You’re just making this even more difficult to believe. They just continue to innovate and pump out more products with huge design changes & improvements. It appears they are taking their learning from the FD5 and putting it into the FH5s with the semi-open design improving soundstage.

You would think with all these new innovations, the company would be pushing their prices higher and higher but they seem to be doing more and more for less and less.

They were able to do more, with less when it came to the FH3. I hope the FH5s continues their reputation they are making for themselves with the FH3 & FD5. Excited for the FH5s if you can’t tell and I’m blown away I’m only going to have to spend 250 to check it out.


yeah, they are definitely taking the semi-open design on the FD5 and putting it on the FH5S. They actually look a lot bigger than the vents on the FD5 as well, so maybe the soundstage is even bigger. :wink:

Yup, very excited for it. And the FD5 is probably shaking in its boots right now. :joy:

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I’m no audio engineer, but I’d assume having two DD’s in such a confined space moving that much air, you would need serious venting. I hope they can pull it off and have it sound great. I’ve never heard a multi DD IEM. I have faith in Fiio though. I’ve never experienced driver flex or inner ear suction with any of their IEMs. They know the importance of proper venting. That’s for sure.

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Not sure about that myself. I personally dont really care about isolation, so if they can sacrifice it for a bigger soundstage and airier sound (like the Sony EX800ST), I am all for it.

I havent either actually. Well, not a multi DD in a hybrid config at least. I have heard multi DD only iems though.


Same. None of my IEMs go anywhere other than my cave in my home. If I’m exercising, I use wireless Apple Ear pods. lol

I couldn’t imagine running with silicone ear tips in anyway. Most of my audiophile IEMs would fall out of my ears immediately if I was running. I have to be completely still. I also don’t think sound quality matters much when you’re jumping around, breathing hard and your heart is beating away. It’s just nice to have something to listen to while you’re doing something quite boring.

Exactly. Although I use the blon 03 when I go outside.

Well, if they fall out and break, you’re only out 26 bucks. I just can’t stand the wires while jogging.

Well, I guess I don’t have to worry about since I don’t exercise. :roll_eyes:


Have you tries any of the FA series? They are FiiO’s all-BA IEMs. I have the FA1, I really like the sound but the suction is so bad it actually hurts if I use them too long. They don’t have vents at all, but apparently that’s normal in BA-only iems.

Good to know I’m not the only one riding the FH5s hype train, even considering buying them before the reviews are out :stuck_out_tongue: .

Nope. The Lokahi was my fist BA only IEM. I like dynamics. Pretty amazed with the SA6. It’s difficult to tell there isn’t a DD in there.

As soon as I can hit the “Buy Now” button, I’m there. On paper, this IEM looks like a winner and a steal.


Some rich guy got all 4 thieaudio EST iems. :joy:


Thanks for sharing this. Was looking for a comparison between the monarch and the Excalibur/Oracle

yeah, now we need to know if they are the same size.

Fiio livestreaming the FH5S right now:


Well I probably should’ve expected this to be in Chinese didn’t I?

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lol, yeah.

My chinese skills are probably worse than a 5 year old. :joy:


Yeah, chinese Twitch…
couldnt even find a button for translation of the page, so I gave up after 10 seconds :smile:

right click and click on translate. (if you are on pc.)

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Nice, so i figured out from the chat that Fiio has anniversary
Thats it :laughing: