RikudouGoku's Database (IEMs/Earbuds/Headphones Ranking list)

yeah, 14 years and they said that they are improving every year…(if I got it correctly lol)

ok, guess we get the translated stuff by them on this thread. No need to watch the stream then.

Do you have any idea about the new moondrop aria? Have you tried it?

Seems to be a bit different from the Starfield from what I have seen on the Moondrop thread at head-fi.

Havent tried it though.

I ve read so far that it is noticeably lower res than starfield and doesnt compete with 100 buck iems in general
(Aria is 80 usd )

Cause i saw the graphs and also some other opinion that said they almost the same in sound, and with about 30 bucks cheaper than the starfield, i think it would be the king in sub $100 lol :slight_smile: . don’t really know the truth :slight_smile:

yeah, 80 usd.

I am not interested in it though…

Not a fan when companies come out with the “same” product over and over again. Seems like an easy way to milk their fanbase…

(Kanas → kanas pro → KXXS → Starfield → KXXX → Aria)


True, that statement definitely applies to Aria, it s (from what i ve read) just worse and little cheaper Starfield…
Also I think KXXS and KXXX are identical except for appearance…

They are supposed to have some slight changes…but unit variation can also be the culprit here…

@Resolution is going to have a heart attack from Fiio´s presentation lol.

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Isn’t KXXX just slightly bass boosted KXXS?

Thats what I have heard.

But look, one of the samples here is also bass boosted. Guess this KXXS is a KXXX instead lol.

@Rikudou_Goku, will you place an order for FH5s? :grin:

They are just single DD, so these differences on the graphs could be just imperfections of the shells…
Anyways, I dont think there is a hearable difference

I am supposed to get a review unit. (havent gotten a tracking nr yet.)


Awesome, can’t wait for a review :slightly_smiling_face:

Can’t wait to hear it. :blush:

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I tried to compare the FH5 vs FH5s graph on head-fi with the FH5 vs FH3 on crinacle’s graph thingy. Kinda looks like the FH5s looks like the FH3, but the dip in the mids is slightly more towards the upper mid range (600-700 in stead of 500-600). Also less of a peek at 5khz on the FH5s than the FH3 it seems.

Yeah, saw that post. Does look different from the FH3, although maybe the bass boost config can get it closer. (if it even changes it that much, all my other iems with switches dont really change the sound very much.)