RikudouGoku's Database (IEMs/Earbuds/Headphones Ranking list)

I will obey oh wise one! :slight_smile:

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You just got me rolling in my seat. I hope it doesn’t sound like sparkling crystals all the time. If I’m playing audio through these IEMs of sparkling crystals, I hope they sound like sparkling crystals, but if I play say Snoop Dawwg through them, are they still gonna sound like sparkling crystals? :rofl:

OMG! The FH5s actually arrived!!!


Have you decided yet whether you are going to open then or not?

I did it…

EDIT: I’m listening now and I’m quite enjoying these a lot. I don’t find the treble offensive at all but it’s very extended, airy and clear. Everything sounds quite neutral and very detailed across the entire frequency range. The bass doesn’t seem as textured or slam as hard as the FH3. Soundstage is great.

By far for me personally, the fit and comfort is perfect. Zero discomfort. I’m very happy I opened this package.

Right now, I’m listening on a Bifrost 2 and Jotunheim 2.


Kudos on taking the plunge and giving them a fair shot; glad that it sounds like you’re enjoying them (even if they’re not what you expected).

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I think I’ll play around with the switches a bit tonight. I was expecting more texture in the mids and bass because of the dual beryllium DDs, but other than that, they are exceeding my expectations. These are a $250.00 IEM.

How are you enjoying the Lokahi?

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It has an astonishing bass hit for such a small, all-BA set! Definitely an exciting listen, and will be staying in my collection for some time!

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Those are gorgeous

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@Rikudou_Goku Hey I thought this might be fun. Since all the reviewers are posting their FR charts with their own personal target curves, I was wondering if you have put much thought into what an ideal FR curve might look like to you? I know graphs don’t tell the whole story. Trust me, I know! But I thought it might be fun to attempt drawing my perfect curve from all my experience listening to IEMs and studying their FR charts.

Here’s mine…

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U shaped with bass exclusively boosted in the sub bass and a little sparkle like a high end Hifiman.

So basically a high end Hifiman but in iem form lol.

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I’ve created a topic specifically for the FH5s, since 3 forum members now have them. Very curious to hear more impressions!

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The IT01x obsoletes the 03’s… yah I said it.


Yes I have considered it for a long time now. But 2 things that stop me.

  1. I dont know how to create one, I guess paint is an option but I suck at drawing lol.

  2. The treble is an area I am not sure yet, like we have stuff like the KZ DQ6 that looks dangerous to me, but isnt actually a problem. And in some other cases we got something that looks tame but is killing my ears…

Although I will say that your graph looks pretty close to my preferences, although maybe I like a little bit more sub-bass lol.


Try some of your other iems after you have heard it. Thats when I realized it doesnt stand up with the others in that price range. (particularly the Tanchjim Oxygen that sounds fairly similar but is just better in all aspects.)

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RIP, LitzPS Pro. Was plugged into my BT receiver which I had in my trouser pocket, and then did a wrong move. Wonder whether 3.5 mm would’ve survived.

Anyway, good excuse to order ‘your’ A1 cable. I mean I had ordered it already, but now I have an excuse.


In Excel, create a line graph, then format the date series and check off “Smoothed Line”. Also, if you choose to graph (instead of drawing), it’ll be easier to edit.

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Is that a 2.5mm connector? This is why I just think 4.4mm is superior to 2.5mm, it looks way too fragile…

Hi, can anyone suggest me a good eartips for the legacy 4? The stock tips seems bad for me. I am having my eyes on the Azla Sedna XELASTEC. Is there any other good options ?

I dont like the xelastec.

Final Audio Type E
Radius Deep mount
Elecom EHP-CAP20

Those are my top 3 recs.