RikudouGoku's Database (IEMs/Earbuds/Headphones Ranking list)

Yes and yes …

Guess you cant help it since you use a bt amp…(none of them have 4.4mm as far as I know)…


Guess this is what you meant?

Right. That’s why I was wondering about 3.5 mm (the SE output power should be more than enough for my IEMs, and I doubt I’ll hear any difference besides volume).

Guess you got either the BTR5/ES100/5K, all of them do have a pretty big power jump from around 70mw with SE to 240mw with balanced. Its pretty big, so I do think you get better sound with balanced.

But if you got BA only iems, it should be fine with SE though…

I’m using a Shanling UP4 (with FH3 and BL-03, so not BA-only), as per the specs the difference is 91 vs. 160 mW max. I was assuming additional power won’t make any audible difference whatsoever as long as it gets loud enough …

Whatever, I’ve ordered 2.5 mm already. Just wondering whether reverting to SE might make more sense for me in the future …

It does make a difference having more power and more so with DD iems.

Honestly, I believe that most amps should go over to 4.4mm standard rather than 2.5mm. 2.5mm is way too fragile…

Switching over to SE is fine if you are using it on a desktop amp, but for portable, balanced with the extra power is the way to go.

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I use the FH3 over SE on my BTR5 with the gain set to low and even then I have the volume set at 23/60 because it will get way too loud otherwise. I don’t quite understand how the balanced output would be a benefit if the unbalanced output already gives way more power than the IEMs seem to be able to handle.

(I switch between sources a lot and all but the BTR5 don’t have balanced output, which is the main reason I’m not using a balanced cable)

Its not about the volume, its about the quality. Using less power might make it sound flatter than it should.

But wouldn’t a volume level of 50% on a 50 mW amp result in the same power usage as a volume level of 25% on a 100 mW amp (25 mW)?

Sorry, I’m still new to the party. I’m aware many audiophiles will agree that power helps with sound, it’s just one of the things I didn’t understand yet. But I don’t want to go on people’s nerves, if I do just tell me to shut up :joy:

Well, I can only tell you what I experienced. And even with my mid-tier daps (M11 and DX160), going balanced have always made it sound better to me. (except one iem, the Audiosense T800 where going balanced on the M11 was worse because of its higher output impedance with the balanced output.)

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Right, appreciated.

Many thanks for all your efforts, by the way. Learnt a lot from you and others while digging into this stuff.

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I’ve seen others complain about peaks though, maybe it’s just unit variance … :slightly_frowning_face:

Thanks for the chart :pray::heart:

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Xduoo XD05 has a 6.35mm - THAT is cool :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

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OOF! It’s always a good idea to have a few spares around! There’s an A1 right up front.

2.5 is my preferred connection but I’m never on the go with any of my IEMs.

@Rikudou_Goku is my IEM Sensei.




I’m at, like, three IEMs and a spare cable now, and my wife is already making fun of me. No idea how others handle that issue.

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It is only slightly peaky, but nowhere near how bad the graph would imply.

#1, I’m divorced so I learned a few lessons.

#2, I live with my girlfriend of over 10 years and am not planning to get married again.

#3, I don’t tell my girlfriend about what I buy and I don’t ask her about what she buys. If your wife nags you about your IEMs, nag her right back about stupid stuff she buys and tell her this is important to you, you only live once and it’s your hobby. This should work as long as you’re paying most of the bills. If you’re not, hide that shit! :slight_smile:


You’re right. Most IEMs get out of control in the treble area. I’ve never heard 1 IEM that hits the general target perfectly like I have with the bass + mid frequencies. I guess I’m just fantasizing what a smooth treble FR curve might sound like in the treble.

Again, why you can’t trust graphs.

Just wondering what you usually target in your head when you’re looking at a graph. I could always plot a curve for you. Super easy for me to do.