RikudouGoku's Database (IEMs/Earbuds/Headphones Ranking list)

I will play around with it using my database when I got time.

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My review for the FH5S will probably be done/up tomorrow.

I just want to confirm if these are all the switch configurations that are possible and I will graph them all tomorrow:


Should be 8 combinations in total.


2^3=8, so that should be all. I’ll be reading you review, though I already have an idea what you’re going to say :wink:.


Do you have recommended tips for the Legacy 3? Thanks!

The wife and I give each other a monthly allowance, and we don’t question what we buy as long as it’s with the allowance.


IEM Battle Royal over here tonight!

EDIT:1 When concerning the FH5s, I believe this is where the main upgrade is…

You can tell instantly the similar tonal characteristics they have to one another, but everything about the FH5s is better. Better imaging, stage, detail and extension. The original sounds like a muffled FH5s. Anybody want an FH5? :crazy_face:

EDIT:2 After comparing the FH3 & FH5s, I’d reach for the FH5s first, but not by much. The FH3 has stronger punchier bass, but the upper frequencies feel more closed-in vs the FH5s.

EDIT:3 If I had to rank them… This is how the night went down…

#2 DUNU SA6 with (1) switch engaged
#3 DUNU EST 112
#4 Fiio FD5
#5 Fiio FH5s with (B) switch engaged
#6 Fiio FH3
#7 Fiio FH5

I haven’t done a back to back IEM shoot-out in quite a while. The shocker of the night was the DUNU Zen. I only received it last week and admittedly did not spend much time with it. The Zen soundstage felt quite wide in comparison to everything I listened to tonight and it showcased how everything else sounded artificial in comparison including the FD5. DAC/AMP was the Fiio Q5S with THX amp module. Test song was Dua Lipa - Don’t Start Now.



is this you ? :sweat_smile:


I have yet to listen back to my FH3 after having the FD5. Kinda scared to listen to it back and hear what’s changed between the two. :sweat_smile:

I’m currently learning frequency graphs for the first time and I may wanna play around with the eq for the FD5 which is my first time as well. I’m still currently hearing sibilance in some songs. The treble seems to have eased up a lot within the one week.


Guess we hear stuff differently then. The soundstage on the Zen sounds quite small for me.

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Havent seen that serie but I have watched that clip a lot of times now lol.

I’m struggling. Ever since I started this hobby I feel like my ears aren’t balanced exceptionally well, but the FH3 seems to really emphasize this. It almost sounds like all the bass is happening in the left IEM and that the left IEM is louder in general than the right one. Now I always favor the left a bit, but I’ve never noticed it as much as I do with the FH3. It usually sounds like the singer is off centered and standing about a 3 meters in front of me and 1 meter to the left. I think it has to do with the shape of my ears or something since I am also very sensitive to suction and stuff…

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Oh, is it because you hear stuff louder in one ear?

I don’t know, I notice it less with full-size headphones, but also with some IEMs. I don’t notice it when I listen to static noice mostly, though I do hear higher frequencies in one ear than the other (12 vs 15 KHz). Can’t remember which one though :stuck_out_tongue:

FWIW, I sometimes have the exact same thing with the FH3. After reinserting, it’s usually fixed. So probably just a seal thing for me, though I’m always a bit unsure whether the right unit’s DD might be at fault (seems FH3s’ DDs are prone to dying).

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Swap the left unit with the right unit and see if you hear any difference.

(use them upside down.)

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I’ll try this next time I feel like I’m losing it. TBH I also think it might have to do with getting used to have stuff like soundstage and imaging. Until a year and a bit ago I always bought $20 IEMs from the nearest electronics shop when my previous pair broke.

lol, I dont think I have seen wired iems being sold in a regular electronics store…

All I see are the TWS stuff…

It’s mostly the $10-$40 Sony, Sennheiser, Skull Candy and JBL stuff. The last thing I got from there are the Sony MDR–XB50AP.

The XB75 isnt good lol, the only sony I dont really like (needs EQ, sharp treble).

Teaser for my preference graph:

Still in WIP and ALPHA 1.2 :joy:

I like my bass to be sub-bass focused over mid-bass so it stays tight and clean. But still elevated with both.

Treble isnt elevated too much, but just to balance the bass out and provide an airy sound due to it not having rolled-off upper-treble.

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