RikudouGoku's Database (IEMs/Earbuds/Headphones Ranking list)

Also… I know you said you dont know how to read earbud graphs…
But what the actual fuck is this? :sweat_smile:

Thats another type of graph, not the usual ones.

Here is how buds graph:

oh, ok…
Still looks weird :smile:

$12 → $75 → $300 progression I might be able to talk myself into, $12 → $300 is a big step lol.

Yep, it looks a bit closer to headphone graphs than iems.

(RW-2000 is around 130 usd)

Honestly, It doesnt seem like there are a lot of good buds at the 75 usd price range besides the Smabat ST10 which I havent heard btw.

I say its best to try a few buds around 10 usd then jump to the 130+ price range.

Ah shit I was looking at the RW-1000. Well may 12 - 130 - 300 is even better distributed tbh ^^.

Don’t like the Aria?

Well, to be fair. Earbuds are already quite a lot cheaper when compared to iems.

Buds 10 usd = iems 50 usd
buds 100 usd = iems 300 usd
buds 300 (Chaconne only representative lol) = iems >300 usd

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Aria? Do you mean the VX Classic, the aria is an iem not an earbud?

My bad I got mixed up, sorry. Do you like Aria though? I might go on another drunken iem rampage. Already have the t2 plus, t5, legacy 3 and ito1x on the way or here already.

No I dont have the Aria. Not going to get it either.

Don’t like Moondrop?

Dont want more down/side-grades.

And besides the Chaconne (underhyped lol), I think the rest of their stuff (that I have heard at least) are overhyped, especially the B2…

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Oh man the B2 dusk was on my hit list too. I love it when you save us all some cash :slight_smile: Thanks!

Havent heard the dusk though.

But from what I have heard, it seems the Dusk isnt really much different with the original when it comes to its timbre (which is my main dislike on it).

The Oxygen shits on the B2, while the Chaconne shits on the Oxygen. :joy:

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The Oxygen is definitely on my radar now then. Do the Chaconne”s leak like crazy? I was eyeing the FH3 too, but maybe 4 iems around the same price is good enough.

The Oxygen is in my holy trinity of DD´s (Oxygen, FD5, EX1000/Zen (EX1000 needs EQ so that might disqualify it)).

I mean, its an earbud. What do expect lol. Its definitely only used at home.

You already have a few good stuff, so I say you should just move up the ladder.


What sketches me out about Aliexpress earbuds is that, let’s take the the RW2000, there are 5 stores and each of them sold like 20 of them…

earbuds are a niche among the already niche audiophile community lol.

And most bud users are staying in the sub-50 usd range from what I can tell based on the bud thread at head-fi.

So its not that bad, the RW-2000 is very popular among earbud users and it is quite new. (earbuds dont get releases every month like iems lol.)