RikudouGoku's Database (IEMs/Earbuds/Headphones Ranking list)

I mean, going from the LBBS which is definitely competing in the 200-300 usd range, to a bud that costs like 7 usd. It is kinda obvious there will be (should be) a difference in quality. But the 2.0 is definitely a really good bud.

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After eyeing GD3A for a while now. I decided to trust you @Rikudou_Goku and finally made an order. Can’t wait to get my hands on them.


2021-08-06: Faaeal Iris 2.0 review: Faaeal Iris 2.0 - Reviews | Headphone Reviews and Discussion - Head-Fi.org

Rank: A+

Essentially like an Yincrow X6 with less bass and warmer tonality.


Thanks for the trust!

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Rankings for the other irises:

Ancestor = A
Grey = A-

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Yeah, you heard me. The true upgrade for the X6 has finally been found! It is by taking the K´s LBBS and applying this PEQ preset:

Low-shelf: 80hz, Q: 1, Gain: 15db
Low-shelf: 250hz, Q: 0.6, Gain: 2db
High-shelf: 7500hz, Q: 1, Gain: 1db
Preamp: -15db

With this preset, I say the tonally gets to like 99,99% of the X6. I went as far as listening to both buds (L = LBBS and R = X6, and vice versa) at the same time to confirm this.

Same ranking as the stock LBBS (S+), technicalities is a step down from the stock tuning, but it more than makes up for it with the tonality.

:+1: :+1: :+1:


What is the purpose of using a -15db preamp? Wouldn’t just turning down the volume overall do the same thing?

Basically: it prevents clipping when I am boosting the bass by 15db (technically 17db, but -15db is enough).

More info here: https://www.reddit.com/r/oratory1990/comments/fugckf/why_is_there_a_pre_amp_gain_in_all_of_the_eqs/

(of course, the downside with -15db in preamp mean that you will need a decent amp for it. Otherwise you might lack volume.)

blasphemy!! damnit i cant eq, keep searching

Already gave up finding one without EQ.

Why cant you use EQ though?

use case, use these at work, they don’t allow downloads but i think im gonna pick it up anyway, at least till the Chaconne

oh, so you arent using them on your phone or dap. Rip.

(sometimes I wish that you could “flash” an EQ preset onto the hardware itself lol.)

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iphone, waiting on stargate dongle, or usb dac amp for work computer, still great though

Neutron player is on IOS though.


oh had no idea, ill get it and mess, nice thanks… but keep looking lol

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I will switch my focus back to iems. The LBBS is that good to me.


My condolences, soon you will have a case of tips, 15 IEMs and be discussing the subtle nuances of IEM A with X tip over IEM B with Y tip…


Enough said haha, still going Chaconne for that build but will be an interesting 3 way compare

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Pretty hard for me to rec the Chaconne when the value on the LBBS is as good as it is. Unless the 300 usd price isnt a lot for you that is…

It’s more the build and overall quality but I’ll def get this firstAnd see if I even like the sound signature

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