56 usd
Looks pretty interesting
Shell looks like near identical to the Blessing 2.
Budget hybrid wars aren’t stopping anytime soon, it seems
The ap10 is a really good dongle, especially for it’s price. Very powerful, it can drive. My he400i almost as good as a desktop amp.
It’s issues are the volume that is not independent, but android controlled (and not allowing low volume for sensitive iems) and the wheel that could way be a point of failure.
For this one, the power seems very low for what I’m used to see, and it doesn’t seem to have fwd/back functions… I’ll check for some reviews, but I doubt it’ll suit my use case.
Love that has wicked quad EST that are probably the most expensive components on the IEM and a switch to turn them off?
its meant to let people experience what ESTs actually do I assume.
But imagine someone ends up preferring the off configuration and they paid $800 for a 1+1 that could be an order of magnitude cheaper without the ESTs they don’t want
Not to mention that pina gain is god awful. It seems this would be a must modify or must eq to even be able to try based on the graph. Maybe there is a lie there, but press X to doubt…
Pic of the DZ4 from what i could tell. Looks sharp and got an interesting config. Lets hope the price is right… #nowhammynowhammynowhammy
In this case the Whammy IS Big Money though.
I’m a simple man, if its too much I have to tap out.
Rumor has it that it’s not a big money model.
Under $100
que Denji’s “yas!”
Celest “Phoenixcall” possibly 3DD dual BA, great shells, unknown price
Edit: they really didn’t leave people guessing long!
Hifigo has it as 1DD + 2BA + 2 SPD triffid
Oh cool, at time of posting I’d only seen their “guess the config based on visuals” post. Sounds good tbh.