Rumors and new releases thread

Looksike the shell is vented any way to get a confirmation?

Sure looks like it?

BTW, any word on the OH10s? I have not seen any reviews/comparisons. Curious if they made any improvements to the original or if it has limp bass as some of their other more recent offerings etc. Just trying to see what is known currently etc.

haven’t heard of anyone getting them yet likely still WIP


Not the most audiophile reviewer out there but the only one I found so far.


I believe this is an outer vent

Similar to the SeeAudio Bravery and Dunu SA6 (iirc). This type of vent wont prevent you from having pressure build up but it should prevent the pressure from endlessly building up more and more.

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Thanks for that link. Yea I know more about the og then he does so I stopped watching. The og had a titanium dd as well so yepp lol. I wait for the big dogs lol.

im afraid that ikko screwed up the tuning on it…I mean look at the latest iems from them…

They have moved away from having that sub-bass focused shelf, to a mid-bass focused one with questionable upper-mids/treble tuning.


Drop x SMSL amp just launched for pre-order. $170 pre-order. $200 regular price.


3 months wait time though

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so it’s for the patient audiophile that’s also stingy :wink:


You talking about me? Just because I actually ordered a pair of Heavys from the Kickstarter with the case and extra wires and have to wait for Zeos to be done with them (as per the latest update, should be shipped to him directly by the end of August)… Well shit… That was well over a year ago… Well, I would prefer to say my budget just hits a different price bracket then others

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56 usd

Looks pretty interesting



Shell looks like near identical to the Blessing 2.

Looks identical to the musehifi M1, guess muse must have used jcally as the oem.

Budget hybrid wars aren’t stopping anytime soon, it seems

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The ap10 is a really good dongle, especially for it’s price. Very powerful, it can drive. My he400i almost as good as a desktop amp.
It’s issues are the volume that is not independent, but android controlled (and not allowing low volume for sensitive iems) and the wheel that could way be a point of failure.

For this one, the power seems very low for what I’m used to see, and it doesn’t seem to have fwd/back functions… I’ll check for some reviews, but I doubt it’ll suit my use case.


DD + (1) BA + Quad Sonion EST = 750 usd
Switch turns the ESTs on/off.


Love that has wicked quad EST that are probably the most expensive components on the IEM and a switch to turn them off?

its meant to let people experience what ESTs actually do I assume.


But imagine someone ends up preferring the off configuration and they paid $800 for a 1+1 that could be an order of magnitude cheaper without the ESTs they don’t want :grimacing:


Not to mention that pina gain is god awful. It seems this would be a must modify or must eq to even be able to try based on the graph. Maybe there is a lie there, but press X to doubt…