Rumors and new releases thread

13db ear gain needs to be tamed like fml. Even with that bass it would just have an effect of compressing the sound since you would not be able to listenly at loud volumes imho.

13dB alone is probably manageable, it’s like 2dB over some sets I’ve enjoyed just fine(though I usually prefer way less), but the way it’s concentrated on 2-3KHz and falls of might be a bit of an issue. Looks like 10dB drop to 5KHz, I don’t think I’ve heard anything quite that severe. I definitely wouldn’t be interested in it outside of considering it as a basshead set.
The other caveat is that since the bass is achieved by plugging the vent, it might not actually be that listenable if there are pressure issues.

Looks like Zishan (Zisan now) is back with a new dap in years (afaik).

Love that they got all the connectors you need and even a dedicated Line Out.
But damn it looks so old.


It could be a better OH10. I liked the sound but couldn’t handle the fit.

Looks like a retro mini gaming console :smile:


It can look retro so long as it has good function and is done for cheap. Ill let others worry about the fashion since ive seen some of the mobile setups that had me scratching my head on the concept of “mobile.”


looks like an e Ink display too.

Dont think it is.


It has colors. (there are colored e ink though but they are damn expensive afaik.)

nothing is specified though.

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I might want to give it a try, but I ordered some Zishan a couple of years ago and even though it sounded great and was quite reliable, I simply couldn’t stand the UI and the lack of basic functions like sorting library by artist, albums, etc.
Judging by the photos, it doesn’t look like much has changed.

I realize that it would be a tremendous task and most likely we’ll never see it, but if someone managed to run Rockbox on it…
An insta buy.

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I have the DSDs and the Z4. Great hardware, crude software.


Typical of chifi (especially at that price).


My pre-ordered pair arrives tomorrow afternoon via FedEx. Been rocking the XM4s and love them for commuting but the left ear battery struggling to hold a full charge so… Had the XM3s as well. They just keep getting better and better.


be VERY careful about the battery in the XM4.


Dang! Wont use them for my morning commute tomorrow now. I had not thought too much about it as they are used nearly everyday and getting old.

Thanks so much for passing this info on @Rikudou_Goku , I appreciate you so much right now!

Did you notice how filthy the units in the photos were? Those tips! Gross lol.


Np. I have seen people wanting to buy the XM4 at a cheaper price now that the XM5 is out, but I honestly cannot recommend doing that seeing the risks…

Some more info on the XM5 from Sony interview:
(use google translate)

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No recall from Sony? I’m guessing it’s at a rate where it’s advisable to dodge the potential loss (like DD failure in OG Tea) but not quite high enough for class action lawsuits or sensible retreat (Galaxy Note 7 batteries)

Usual companies are better about it when it can lead to injuries like batteries in ears though!!

Afaik they have not commented anything about it…

I am honestly not sure how wide spread this issue is. could be a literal 0,01% of the total in which case I dont think they need a recall BUT they should definitely take care of their customers that DO have the issue.

“user contacted Sony and was promised a replacement, but then for some reason, Sony retracted their statement. Now Sony is asking for a safety evaluation and any repairs might be billed to the user (uh?).”

But they went for the extremely shitty response route…


which one?

JCally AP20.

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Denafrips just announced a new streamer:


Apparently it’s pronounced “ARR-say.” Even so, Alvin defnitely made his product the butt of a lot of jokes and forced himself to be very anal about the pronunciation.

How mature is our hobby? We are now at the maturity level where you can assemble a source + DAC + amp chain involving the words “Arce, Schiit, Crack” mature.