Rumors and new releases thread

Also, I wonder if this is why the Audeze MM-100 has been pushed back in production. A lot going on for Audeze.

From what I know it should come out in 2-3 weeks. Audeze is quick to promise and slow to deliver, but at least their products are quality.

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I was thinking why SIE bought Audeze, and it’s obvious. Audeze knows the big money is in the gaming business and not in the audiophile business. Let’s be honest, the gamer business is like 1000 times (if not more) bigger. Sony doesn’t seem to allow SIE to access their headphones business, so they had to find a way to get better audio quality (as their own first attempts were miserable). It’s easier to buy a small company with their know-how than to develop something from scratch. So it’s a win-win for both companies. Audeze will have endless resources for R&D and SIE will have some decent driver tech. I don’t see (unfortunately) any Sony product with Audeze tech inside soon… There will only be gamer headphones and TWS products from this acquisition…

In a TWS any decent planar driver can sound good with DSP as planar drivers take EQ very well. So they only had to apply EQ and they’re done. And the gamer community cares less for sound quality. They care about latency, positional information, footsteps, etc, which are handled well by planars. In those large quantities they would sell the drivers are just as cheap to produce as the dynamics, or at least similar. Audeze tried to scale their production several times, first with the EL-8, Isine, etc, later with Mobius, Penrose (also they had the Hyperx version of it), recently with Edifier, and now it seems they found the ultimate solution with Sony.

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Are we talking audiophile gamers, competitive gamers, or the preteens that seems to live to make the games they play toxic? The latter one doesn’t care about anything but name brand and that they make boom.

In general, obviously there are plenty of sub categories in that business.Anyway, most planars are more than good enough with a DSP applied, just like we can see the example of Audeze Maxwell. Their 3rd attempt turned out very well. Most audiophile reviewers praised them, so should be good enough for the gamers as well… (whichever sub category we talk about, I guess). But, unfortunately there could be the other outcome, as we saw it with AKG, Samsung killed it more or less, just used the brand for mediocre consumer products… We don’t know the details of the contract, and even so, we don’t know the real intentions of either party…

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It seems that SIVGA is about to come out with a new IEM, SIVGA Nightingale. From the photo of the IEM it looks like 7Hz clone. Similar shell, similar nozzle, maybe another 14.5mm planar. Let’s hope it would have a decent tuning…

YouTube is testing a ‘hum to search’ function. AI anyone?

I sure hope not. I couldn’t afford their shit before… :unamused:

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Even the nozzle filter looks like the 7hz one

Soundcore released a new sub $100 headphone. Some videos started popping for me on YouTube, probably their marketing strategy. Anyways, hoping to hear about them from some of the reviewers I trust.

Damn, not yet another potentially ideal DAP, when I thought I finally got one working for me :frowning:


Woaaah, this one’s pretty crazy. Definitely a bold move. We’ll just have to see how they turn out :man_shrugging:

Tangzu is dropping a tribrid on us.


Hopefully not potty dance in the sense of “Congratulations! Great effort! You made some crap we’ll have to get rid of.”


Any hint of pricing?

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More like Tangzu, you’re still on my shit list after the Shimin Li Encounter fiasco…

@DemolitionMan not as of yet


Shure refreshes their Aionic 50’s with everything supposedly much better than the previous iteration.

THX is going to try and cash-in from the HDMI cable market… >.<

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They are a little late to that game.

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