Rumors and new releases thread

Aliexpress is closest I can find with around $200 for the non lite model :confused:

I appreciate that feedback. I was an Android user for the longest time until I went and bought the iPhone X after my LG V20 completely shattered on me, I was devastated. Truthfully though, I’ve been very happy with my iPhone experience. There’s always a part of me though that would like to venture out… I’m still waiting for Apple to make an iPhone that’s for Audiophiles, one can dream, right?

Some battery data, read local files LN (wifi on, backlight second to minimum brightness) 3 hours 30 minute last night and only drained from 97-90%. Then overnight for around 9 hours 30 minutes from 90-87%.

if that was the goodereaderstore then avoid that, they overprice everything and everyone in the e-reader world hates them.

I bought from here:
184 usd “black” option.


:+1: That’s what I found, so basically $200 with tax, I was meaning final price to buyer I guess because that’s how I think about prices more.

You can ask them (not that I did of course) to declare a lower price on the package and the tax should be a lot lower. For example in Sweden we have 25% VAT so it would be 230 usd with it. But if they declare a lower price you pay like 190 usd in total.

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Worth a try (hypothetically of course :zipper_mouth_face: ) but tax is added at checkout automatically for US customers if I’m not missing something?

For eu people the VAT is automatically removed if the order is above 150 usd. Dont know if that is the case for US. Otherwise there is the paypal method you can use.

Been an hour since I started my battery test with local music (on 180ohm bud, GAS3 R&D bud) and it only lost 3%

Another hour has passed and this time only lost 2% (83-81%). So over 2 hours, lost 5% in total.

So…maybe up to 40 hours of music playback time? :fire:


Can you wait a week to hype this thing to the moon? Seriously lol


in time for 11/11 sales? :joy:


See, you get it lol


My thoughts exacty!

I use e-reader on a daily basis (albeit much bigger) and being able to have a hybrid device like this is a dream come true.


Penon Dome 1DD + 3BA

Of course there’s a glowing and verbose review from dsnuts on head-fi already, I didn’t need to tell you that.

At $350 standard, slightly less with email list offer, it’s hard not to call it at overpriced for the tech vs other offerings. For a 10mm PET driver, 2 Sonions and a Knowles.

Shell looks pretty run-of-the-mill.

Apparently a successor to the Globes, which I have no love for personally.


That’s how Penon rolls though. And people love them anyways, so good on them

I feel like Pennon has no negative reviews… Pretty sus. And like no reviews on youtube.


@Leonarfd was contacted by them after giving him a discount on a set, setting stipulations on what comparisons he was allowed to make on it - he’s an honest guy who disregarded it, but it gives insight to what’s behind other cases.

Pretty sure @ToneDeafMonk (if not him someone else) had their review of a Penon set removed from head-fi at the request of Penon because it wasn’t a gushing review. Again this helps to explain things.

Then there are their chosen reviewers who get a free set every time and never fail to wax lyrical (dsnuts and redcarmoose, but there are more out there, as their exposed approach of Leonarfd insinuates).

Their clear manipulation and attempts at pruning reviews is why I wish I my top set wasn’t one of theirs, I’m not enamored to give them business.


I wouldn’t call it overpriced at least Penon uses quality drivers Sonion x2 mids and Knowles x1 for highs.

Others are using unanounced / custom BA

Penon is back with discount coupon as well save $50 so now $300 too bad no reviews out there in the wild :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
I guess for the average person who cares to blind buy its a smart move for a new product but I normally wait a bit.

Graph looks very balanced :ok_hand:


I consider myself an honest critic. After spending some years “in the industry”, I almost completely distanced myself from the term “reviewer”… for rather obvious reasons.

I don’t know about others, but I almost exclusively cover things that I like. If there happen to be any flaws that are apparent to me, I will point them out. However, if you look at my review porfolio, you’ll notice that almost all my reviews are positively rated. I had one instance where I rated a headphone negatively. I genuinely cared about the product and the company, which is why I could justify spending a hefty amount of time writing the review in a way that helps the company in understanding what the flaws are and how to fix them. I ended up getting blacklisted by the company, and ever since then I haven’t bothered to waste my time to review a product that I know I will rate negatively. I know that this is often not the case, but do know that there are a very few of us that aren’t shills in spite of having a positive review portfolio.

Also, I will say, I have never been approached by a company that told me what I am allowed to say or write. I cannot imagine paying a company money and being restricted as to what I’m going to say or do… that’s shady af. Unfortunately, Head-Fi is full of shills and poets, you really have to spend a lot of time analyzing reviewers and their articles to learn to separate the real from the bullsh*****s.

Oh well, I’ve always been highly critical of the industry and reviewers. I’m always complaining :wink:


Your right about DeadFi its too bad Penon modeled thier business model with a few placed people on there. I was skeptical to start getting stuff from them and also be called a shill, I genuinely like / love a few of thier IEM
Turbo, 10th, but not all Serial that was hyped to death, Globe not my favorites.

I do have the DOME incoming discounted but bought and a ISN Neo1

Looking forward after seeing the graph.


Totally right, to bad that Serial is so good :grin:

But yeah, I was not impressed by their tactics to control reviews. They really don’t need to, as they do make great IEMs.