Rumors and new releases thread

Penon is offering - $50 off this new Dome to subscribers. Anybody doing that?

Not me.

Is this a new single BA one not yet listed on their site?

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The new one


Yeah, the Serial is the real deal. I use the Sands’ cable on mine to address the Serial’s lone flaw: softened transients.

Penon’s house sound is usually pretty relaxed and low-mid focused.

Of note, I have two Penon (Fan and Globe) IEMs that the holes for the pins widened rendering the earpiece unusable. I am wary of buying another Penon now. Or is there any easy fix?

I only had this happen once before with a $50 fiio set.

I have one 3.5mm cable that stays snug in my Serial and I am not removing it for love or money. I wonder why it’s a trend with their sets, you’d think all the manufacturers were using common parts when it comes to basic components like that.

Yanyin Aladdin worked pretty loose too, and so has EN1000. I’m not a rampant cable swapper.

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Maybe a scenario of them using a 0.75mm 2pin female socket and your cables are 0.78mm 2pin male. But even then a difference 0.03mm (± some percentages) shouldnt really have much of an effect.

Should be damn good, WiFi based wireless audio (that can switch from regular Bluetooth to wifi).


Ok, damn, it didnt last a whole week. The battery only lasts around 6 days if you use it until 0%. :joy:


how many hours a day or are you saying 6 full days so 144 hours!?!?

I used it for local LN reading on it with wifi on and backlight second to the lowest setting. Around 3-4 hours each night. Never turned it off either so there was also the standby battery drain to consider. The battery drain seemed consistent through the whole thing so I assume my calculation/assumption for the battery drain with music is accurate

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One thing I do for this is to gently tighten or widen the gap between the pin ends with a small needle nose plier. It simply creates a binding connection. Easy enough.
Another thing is to carefully make some nubs on the pins, thereby widening the overall diameter. I use a knife edge and gently tap it into to the exposed pin sides while supporting on a hard surface.
While this may not be for everyone , or your best cables, it does work.

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Spottily released the info for the most popular genre’s being listened too.


ZiiGaat Cinno

Same company as the Jupitier. Interesting that they are coming out both soonish. One a 4+1 and pure black with a cool design.

Could be the next two iems from Linsoul as Timeless II seems delayed after some mixed feelings on it.

Qualcomm talks up their new wireless lossless music streaming tech.

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Not too sure how new this is but it looks super retro cool and is new to me :+1:


Reviews of that cassette deck have been… not good


I’m a bit late for the battle, but here are some additional points:

  • even without but perfect, what android does is re-sample to 48kHz. I’m not sure many people would hear any difference with CD quality or higher anyway.

  • Like the “magic rubber” for pictures with pixel 7, this update isn’t exclusive to pixel 8: it is tied to android 14, so any system with that is will potentially be able to get “usb audio passthrough” (sadly my pixel 4a is just out of the update schedule)

  • I guess that could make the job of uapp dev way easier than what it currently is.

  • it will allow every other music app dev to implement bit-perfect (I think about plexamp for example), giving us more options.

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Moondrop Aria 2 $89.99 on Hifigo and Shenzhen audio

Milk the Cow