Rumors and new releases thread

What you don’t like Moondrops use of recycled shells LOL

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Sparkos Gemini hybrid tube amp

Not cheap, but looks great.


Once I saw the picture of the internals I figured it wouldn’t be that cheap. If it sounds as good as it looks, then It might be a contender in the $1k amp space. I have a Burson Soloist 3XP on my desk right now, and a Mjolnir 3 on the way. It will be interesting to see reviews comparing the Sparkos Gemini to other amps at that price point.


I don’t know of any similar amps at the price point. Should be a cut above any tube hybrids under $1000. Passion for Sound posted some early impressions. Seems pretty positive. Someone asked about a lyr+ comparison. Sounds like it’s not even close. I mean it shouldn’t be, it’s a pretty big jump in price.

That AERO looks very much like those old Sony hybrids. Praying its a big DD (16mm).


Dang, Crin just put his name on Zero from jump this time

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Instant buy (?)

For 20 bucks, would be an easy buy. Seems like a lot of iems are coming out of the woodwork all of a sudden like Aria 2 and Zero 2… Going to be one hell of a month. Hold on to them wallets boys. XD

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That AERO might be one depending on driver size, price and graph.

the Zero 2, I bet it doesnt graph much different from the OG or more similar to the Truthear Zero tuning.


Nope. It’s not going to be anything special at the price and we all have all the beater sets we need, be real


At $20, unless it does something special, there isnt much point unless you need a new beater set.

And @GooberBM beat me to it. :crazy_face:


Makes sense from 7hz perspective since that price point is flooded with decent stuff.

People will buy it cause of Crin’s name. Even the affiliation with Crin on Zero was worth the buzz, so this will do sales.

And the colorways look way sicker than OG Zero. There is that


that artemis is interesting although i dont really need a new BT dac/amp


Definitely the one that catches my eye too!


That’s what I meant :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

Not buying any more budget sets. Yeah me!

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With my BTR7 being damn near out of commission, that Artemis is pretty interesting. I hadn’t heard of that till your post so thank you for that, Riku. Now, we await the specs and hopefully, just maybe, 7hz makes an app for it and does it better than FiiO. Although, that’s a low level to beat.

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The BTR15 is coming very soon as well.


Yep, looks like Qudelix 5K on steroids.

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I might snag that just for the 4.4mm jack.