Rumors and new releases thread

I keep all of my bio DDs in a watch case with silica packs in each individual slot when not in use.

Just trying to extend the half life as best as I can


yeah that is a good move. Put some low density tuning foams in them if they dont already have foams in them as well for some extra insurance.

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What is so bad about BT 5.1 or let´s better say what are the advantages of BT 5.2/5.3 ?

Q5K uses 5.1 and it works like a charme

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There is nothing inherently bad about 5.1 but 5.2 brings audio and battery improvements and 5.1 is pretty old at this point. The qudelix came out over 3 years ago though. Imo there is no excuse for a new BT dac to not be using a chip that supports 5.2 when it’s almost 2024

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Minor (0.X) BT versions upgrades are generally for stability, efficiency and range

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Thanks for letting me know, i did not have a clue.

Any idea if these audio improvements are audible?

I´ll probably buy BTR15 anyway as I did not have any complaints about audio quality with Q5K and I´m pretty sure I´ll be satisfyed with BT5.1 in BTR15 aswell.

Good thing I´m not too much of a techie and if it helps using older BT for keeping the price lower I appreciate it


5.2 has a new codec called LC3, which gives better battery life.
and the function to connect to for example with a TWS it can now connect to both L and R units separately. Instead of connecting to a host unit say L that then sends the signal to the R unit.

5.3 is mostly efficency upgrades.

Do keep in mind that both the sender and receiver device needs to have the same BT version (5.3) to use it. So if your receiver is 5.3 but your phone is only 5.1, you will be using 5.1


I’m probably being overly critical but I have a Q5k that I have no real complaints about so the btr15 isn’t offering me enough to make me pull the trigger. Also Im not the biggest fan to Fiios software.


I only get BTR15 because my Q5K is married to Topping G5 and their bond is too strong to ever separate them again :smiley:

4.4 and a PEQ that will finally work globally (well done Fiio) sealed the deal

Interesting. What’s your reason for this setup since they are both BT dac/amps. Is it the PEQ from the Q5k?

Yes it´s mostly cause of the PEQ but there are other reasons aswell
G5´s bluetooth isn´t that great and there are interference noices from my phone when using it.

Battery life of G5 in Bluetooth mode is ~10hrs, USB mode even lower ~8.5hrs and in AUX in mode it´s ~25hrs making Q5K´s battery the limiting factor but as it is charging from my phone or computer when plugged in I can make use of the longer battery life of G5 in AUX mode

I think I also prefer Q5K´s DAC but that might be because I´ve read that the DAC section of G5 is not that great so take that with a grain of salt.
I mean I also came to that conclusion but my brain was pre-loaded with that information

In the end it’s my perfect little powerhouse with I would say pretty much desktop grade sound for using around the house or when traveling with all the features I need.
I call it Q5K on steroids or short G5K :grin:


True. Check out Astell and Kern. They are going backward with Bluetooth 4.2

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Not sure if new, but I hadn’t seen this “mini” variant on the Black Hole by Shozy:


Looks interesting and sound like they put a tonne of time into the tuning and Frequency graph not sure about tho?

Man I hadn’t read through the details yet. For sure, it depends what coupler they used, but this thing, it scares me!

Hecka interesting reviews too:

Shoot they have a wooden version?

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The metal version is very well priced Like $120 after discount I am tempted


He’ll no

There’s something about it I like too.

The tuning may not even turn out to be bad. My guess is that it will sound as spacious as all get out, and that’s without the open-back factor.

Something a little similar from memory - the NiceHCK F3, a hybrid planar:

The treble was too much - but the cavernous warm space was something special. It definitely had character, and wasn’t as obviously brash as the graph makes out.

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I will stick with my Twilight and Plunge Audio to get my stage freak on

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