Rumors and new releases thread


This as @SenyorC has said is exactly the issue. There are some USB-C hubs that allow you to do this but it would sort of invalidate what you are trying to achieve.

I have the DDhifi USB-C adapter that has 2 female USB-C ports one for charging and one for data. I can try it with a few Bluetooth receivers I have but I am pretty sure they are not going to work - Will report back if I find one that does. :+1:

AP20 looks like a nice dongle option by the way :+1: - how is it’s battery life?

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It really is, if you don’t mind its size.

The battery life is good.
Enough so that I don’t need to remember to charge it. I’d say that somewhere around 7 hours.

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Yeah I totally blanked on the battery need and missed that it was a transmitter. Lane

A bluetooth adapter that turns your portable dac/amp into a bluetooth one? That sounds like a pretty good idea…havent seen that before and it would expand your options quite a bit.


Ho ho - we could be on to something here


hmmm would something that work for linux work here?

“I bought that exact one to use with my laptop and it works well in both Linux and Windows. Better in Linux, in fact. You just connect and go. In Windows I have to pair my headphones, turn them off, then turn them back on and let it connect to get them to function. Nothing like that in Linux”

Or this?

Or this??

specifically say it works…

well someone used the bluetooth adapter to the Xduoo dac/amp (I forgot which one) to make the Mojo 2 bluetooth since they didn’t want to pay for the Poly. This at least makes it seem like doable to an extent

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Battery is the issue - I can get a Bluetooth module with a programmable SOC so I could get the data side to function but usually you use those for like low energy consumption embedded smart electronics. I’d need to work out a minimum energy requirement but in theory it could be done at not to costly an end user price.

That does indeed sound like a good idea that I have actually never seen people mention.

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You mean that the bt adapter would drain too much of the portable amp/dac´s battery?

I meant strapping a battery to a Bluetooth reveiver module with a programmable SOC so you can change the power draw and data transfer - so you can ensure broad compatibility and use any dongle as not many come with batteries.


This reminds me of my ghetto set up back in 2008. I had a basic phone with a USB A BT adapter and a USB A to mini USB adapter. All that to connect to some janky BT on ear headphones.

Later on though, I would crank the volume on these and use them as “speakers” around my neck when I was riding my bike.


Interesting announcement from everyone’s favorite company from their recent releases :smirk: Moondrop;

Apparently not a full sized planar but rather one of those square planars.

Still, could be interesting if done correctly. Unfortunately, I have little to no faith in Moondrop as of right now.


Everything successful, except the app will be shit or/and faceplates will fall off. :rofl:


LOL if the tuning is half decent by some miracle, something else will fail and that app is guaranteed to be shite :joy:


Just saw this on Reddit

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100% Truth

91 usd msrp. Probably a bit higher for international release.

10mm DD + 6mm Planar

(app is indeed identical to their DSP cable app.)

Full range DD and the Planar as a tweeter above 8k.


The shell reminds me of Variations. Let’s see if there’s a real planar in it and how it sounds.