It looks like there’s a time and a few numbers on the bottom there written in Chinese, it may be the release date. Anyone know how to read that by chance?
Hmm, I thought you can control it from app, or maybe this is not what you are looking for? I don’t know about the way it shuffles straight from the player though
I believe @rattlingblanketwoman wants the files to be organized like:
/ (root)
Instead of
/ (root)
… and so on
I get it. H2 should have folder structure compatibility, though navigated only from phone, not from device itself it looks
But take a look at this beauty, if the price would be up to +20% correct that would be my dream DAP
Android 13
Snapdragon 680
3,5 + 4,4mm, 600mW
CS43198 if someone cares
13mm (!), 156g.
I guess due to the thickness the battery life would suck as hell. But if 8h is achievable that is all good…
Ahhhhh dude, you’re the man!
I’m not voting but I will be buying this thing asap!
Looks like it is China only at the moment unless you want to procure it via shipping providers. So we need to be patient. I have my finger ready on the Buy button as well
Should hopefully be out in time for 11/11, if not black friday.
I am hoping to get it relatively soon, but I may wait out the first batch just in case of any weird bugs, ya know? It’s always a thing with first batches of products.
But we shall see! I’m def ready to go in blind on this one. The BTR7 is a beast of a device so FiiO has the track record to justify going in blindly.
Definitely let others be the alpha tester for you. When you buy it a few months afterwards, you will be the beta tester for the pro model next month
heh, yeah that’s true. Although, there was no BTR7 pro… Just going by experience, I think it’ll be a safe buy but, better to be even safer than to be sorry
“PSZ Technology” Fancy term that means nothing. Its just a dual DD setup in a shell that has a vent and is not sealed in the front, it will both leak and have sound coming into it.
With all the Fiio talk here I throw one in too.
What if you want to do a Pro version of the closed back dynamic driver Fiio FT1?
Right, you make it open back and put a planar driver in it. Release in 2 days and price around $190.
I am quite tempted but I just tried the FT5 which I did not really like.
BTR17 Up for Sale. Thinking if I should sidegrade (downgrade?) from my Q15, its so big and I never get to use the ultra gain anyway because it requires an external USB power supply.
You beat me to it. I know I said I’d wait, but I think that blue one is coming home with me lol
See You in the “What did you buy today” thread
hahah I’ll see you in 3 weeks! I’m assuming it’s gonna take a while for it to ship out so we shall see.
Fiio is releasing some really interesting stuff these days. Found this little fellow
Spoke with Questyle chat, and they said that the M18i will be released end of this month for us that are eyeing the BTR17