Rumors and new releases thread

It would be a shame if Beyerdynamic released a flagship-level Tygr 300 R, right when I just bought a pair :upside_down_face:

Jokes aside, it’s good to see more closed-back headphones. I hope they sound like baby MMX 300s, or better.

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You mean t1 3rd gen? Already exists lol

I got them on order as I’m curious


I feel you, I also just got a pair of the 300 R. And right now Beyerdynamic is on a little release tour eh.

I suspect a lot of that is reactions to supply shortages meaning they had to go back to the drawing board and offer stuff they could make. likely things that have been on the drawing boards from the past and shuffled off and such I bet too.


Never saw these guys on Ali before. Seem to be using KZ/CCA shells? Almost tempted at $10 to see what their single DD sounds like, with its mystery mids tuning…

US $10.00 60% Off | GK G5 Metal Wired Earphone In Ear HiFi Bass Music Earbud Headset With Microphone Noise Cancelling Sport Monitor Headphones

It looks like they had an LCD-R with Jotunheim-A on sale. That must have gone quick.


Music Hall launches their FIRST direct drive turn table, the Stealth. it’s not cheap either, but a much friendlier $1500 USD.

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FYI: ZMF goodies, including stabilized Vérités, coming soon:


stabilized? que?

You were reading my mind. I don’t know what “stabilized” means either. Intrigued, I am…

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Teenage Engineering now not only makes affordable small synths, they now also have a computer case.

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They also make this little guy:

With an excellent marketing page! One of the most attractive and cute pages I’ve seen :wink:


I have mine pre-ordered. I love weird gadgets like this

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You pre-ordered the Playdate?