Rupert Neve RNHP Precision Headphone Amplifier

did that trial as well lol, stacking them was crazy but i only did for finals not individual tracks, still trying to “convince” i need these, wish i would have had dynamic years ago

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Also if you include zynaptiq intensity in your chain with soothe and gullfoss you can get some really great results as well

Edit: also sorry just realized I’m going pretty far off topic lol, oh well it’s not like anything really stays on topic in this forum anyways

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damnit @M0N i do not need anymore lol (opens new tab)… these ollo’s seem to have about on par res as the 600’s but like you said more soundstage, like not so mid in ur face, its hard to describe
how would you use the freq graph they give? i usually just go by ear

My experiences with the S4 was more that they were indeed kinda 600 like with larger stage and a signature that almost sounded u shaped at higher volumes but good at lower levels (prob equal loudness compensation), but apparently the S4X got a retune so I would be curious to try one eventually

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ya you would be way better at articulating, better bass as well, like way better, ive been trying to listen alot lower that i usually do, stuff like Devine is crazy detail without killing me in the highs, we’ll see on a mix

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Yeah, they might be updating if it’s at Adorama. That’s the word with the Elegia. :eyes:

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right on thank you, Elegia was a miss for me, ill keep an eye on this though, thanks

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If you weren’t a fan of the elegia, there is a chance you might not like the clear imo. Just wondering, what aspects of the elegia did you like and what were you not a fan of?

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I’m guessing he meant missed the sale (Elegia) at Adorama. :thinking:

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Ahhhhhhh ok lol, my bad then, disregard

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no it was definitely the sound, literally like muffled to me, like 2 veils

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Ohh. I haven’t heard them. That’s interesting.

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Very interesting, how long did you have them for, and what were you driving them off of?

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i was super disappointed, honestly, they were gorgeous, quality and i wanted a high end closed back so bad

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i burned them in for 3 days, i was just using the best i had, Monoprice desktop dac/amp, all my portable stuff, interface, nothing would help, i know ur gonna say higher tier but man i just couldn’t get over how bad they sounded to me, wanted to love, maybe my expectation was too high idk

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I mean if the experience was that bad, I wouldn’t recommend considering the clear lol. While yes I don’t enjoy the thx amps the elegia isn’t that picky so it really just seems like you weren’t a fan of what the elegia had to offer. The clear does improve vastly on technical performance in every way, but it does have a signature and house sound that shares some traits with the elegia.

If your looking for a higher end closed back, I have a feeling you might like the zmf eikon or audio technica awkt (more neutral forward) or awas (a bit more relaxed smooth) actually

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damnit, ya and to be honest i wanted specific use case, like in bed ipad sound design stuff, obviously at the desk but i prefer open backs there. I def know i need to up my amp and interface, but ya man i was not a fan whatsoever, so ur saying stay away from the Clear then if thats the case, wow, didn’t expect that

I mean I would suggest trying out a clear if you get the chance, but with how much you disliked the elegia, it would be a pretty risky buy imo

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ohhh trust me i read all of your guys’ thoughts on the Verite closed, but they would be for fun/enjoyment, like all the talk you guys do makes me want to skip and go straight to end game

shiiiitttt, well i guess that saves me $1500, should just go the SSL/Neve/Enog