Rupert Neve RNHP Precision Headphone Amplifier

The Magni 3+/Heresy are supposedly good little amps with plenty of power. :+1:t4:

Those measurements seem pretty good, though I have a hard time believing what he stated about low impedance, low efficiency headphones.

I pair my RNHP with the LCD-X, which is a low impedance planar that requires a fair amount of power (voltage) and they sound fantastic imo. If I go past 11 o’clock I’m well past 85db, and my ears will distort before the amp will!

Interesting summary at the end. :thinking:


I listen to my Beyerdynamic T5P on the RNHP and they sound really good. The T5P are 32 Ohm if I’m not mistaken.

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I’ve gotta come clean. I’m trained as an electrical engineer, worked at a company that used to manufacture VPI turn tables… and the engineers for VPI knew that measurements were a guidance only and not the end all be all. I’ve worked with interconnects from hard drives that required test equipment more expensive than their homes to get measurements and I can I could probably tear their measuring practices apart.

If you want your music to be sole-less, buy the best stat stuff but after I’ve learned with my Airist R-2R with a $100 amp, the lower stat stuff sounded better than the more expensive stuff that killed it on their measurements. So I think their testing is really subject and isn’t the end all be all… however I do appreciate their work none the less and do factor their data point in where my money flies… but listening to M0N seems to pretty spot on so far.


I am a very scientific minded guy and still use measurements when the situation calls for it.

That being said, I still dont understand why measurements and subjective listening can’t coexist? They both serve me well when I research possible upgrades and purchases.

Forcing a sector of a good intentioned hobby like this to choose sides is so unnecessary. All it does is further polarize. Instead of enjoying the audio, more time is spent on this stupid argument. It’s not like we are arguing over battle plans for World War 3 here, lol!


As a present open source contributor, fanatics at both spectrum are annoying yet necessary. Complain if you want, but in the end I’ll take their data and thank them but disagree with them. As long as they don’t affect what I like to buy and what I want in the present and future… meh.


I think we agree in premise. There are some really nasty fights that have arisen over there that definitely made me uncomfortable. I accept and rather enjoy the fact the there are multiple opinions on things…but calling something categorically inferior and then having forum member going on for 8 + months belittling others that dont fully agree with the narrative is wrong. It actually is counter productive to their own cause, ironically so.


You surely made the correct decision for you sanity. I’m just sitting here still thinking do I want this amp or not? I’m holding back for a bit.

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I can’t say I was too surprised. Interesting to see that noise floor is super low, but meh SINAD is pretty much due to harmonics, which I’ve also seen as a possible explanation for why tubes sound euphonic.

Anyway, data is what ASR does. I don’t blame Amir for the numbers, and I don’t fault him for his opinions. The RNHP simply doesn’t meet the objectivist ideal that ASR champions. That doesn’t change the fact that it’s still a subjectively loved amp with great output impedance and decent overall measurements.

Personally, I’m relieved that half of the mystery is now solved. And when I finally get a chance to listen and A-B vs my THX amps the other half of that mystery will come into focus. Will the numbers explain what I hear, or will The RNHP be a euphonic “upgrade” from THX? I’m looking forward to finding out.


Lol, I’m soon to be at a stopping point myself. How long this will last is anybody’s guess, lol

BTW, not unlike others, I got my advice from the Oracle himself, M0N. Lol.

I’m just wondering… Asgard 3 vs. Magni 3+ vs. RNHP.

I can fully endorse your opinion and enjoy the fact that it involves the coexistence of both camps. Very pragmatic approach, one I rather like.


The magni 3 (non-heresy version) really is good for its price point, but personally felt that it had limitations with certain aspects. It suffers from a bit of compression. It also sounds strikingly different in low gain versus high gain.

The Asgard 3 I haven’t heard yet, but most if not all of the things I’ve heard have been enthusiastically positive.

That being said, I know many would agree that the RNHP is the clear winner. It isnt about price or pedigree, but more-so that it does things that the other 2 amps either can’t do, or can’t do well at all (the re-creation of space, the imaging…especially vertical imaging, etc.).

The 2 things that do hurt the RNHP at it’s price point are the limited power output, and the lack of a balanced headphone out. But, those 2 things alone would probably double the cost of the unit.


I have the Heresy 3+. Honestly, ditch the balanced input/out of the THX amp and it sounds essentially the same. I bought it with the EE background messing around with the Cmoy amps back in the day and know that Schiit building an op amp based headphone amp was a no brainer. Since I’m not getting rid of my Heresy and I’m using the THX 887 as the daily driver, I’m literally in a no rush to buy another amp. Especially with a Fulla 3, Fiio Btr5, and Dragonfly Cobalt all here.

It’s hard to justify the RNHP but… I think it may happen more in the fall time frame. I need to let time show what future possibilities there maybe. Schiit will redesign the Jotunheim soon I’m sure since the Asgard 3 is out and Lyr 3 I’m sure. And for the price of the RNHP, I can get a previous generation solid state Mjolnir for $50 more off of ebay which is REALLY appealing if you’re comparing these amps.

Now… if I didn’t have as much gear already, yeah… RNHP would be mine already. No questions asked.


Thanks. FWIW, my background is digital design verification, which has conditioned me to be very cautious about forming assumptions. I tend toward objectivism, but at the same time I’m also drawn to gathering as much experimental data as I can in order to correlate experience with measurements. Otherwise how can I ever know which measurements are important and which are not? Or at what point important measurements cease to be meaningful?


Totally agree with you man. Very sound and logical.


Wow i cant believe he couldnt recommend it. Did he bother to listen to it or just measure it. how could he listen to it then just pass on it? He says there was some distortion at high volumes for certain headphones. i use the ZMF Auteur, Arya and Elex on it with no problems. i wonder of the fidelice amp has more power? its 1200$ i would hope so. I like that theres no XLR port. all my headphones are 1/4 ports and i hate the insecurity of the XLR port sounding better than the 1/4 and now i got to get xlr cables for all my headphones lol.

but this amp is so popular and has such great props. something wrong here


Just buy an adapter lol. Why would you buy extra cables?

ya’ll gotta remember ASR is a measurements over subjectivity typpe of reviewer adn so is the whole forum unlike what our forum represents. its best to read everyonee’s reviews and take this one as well and put it in the equation. I know many on this forum have and love this amp and dont let the measurements ruin that for you. but alsp I know many are looking at this amp. and dont disregard any negativity instead take everything and find the middle ground. we often get stuck in or own little echo chambers and often forget that everything has some sort of flaw and just cause it comes down to measurements to find it then thats saying something.



I just question his remarks regarding distortion, as I’ve never experienced that being in the same set of circumstances he described.

@Antpage2 well I’m in zeos’ chat as well and I saw that little discussion, and while I have not heard the RNHP, I have heard some THX stuff and there was nothing about it that made me immediately hear an upgrade in quality over my other amps (JDS EL amp gen 1, geshelli archel 2.5, amp in the RME ADI2 DAC). The RNHP on the other hand has me intriguing and it will definitely be my next amp purchase.