Rupert Neve RNHP Precision Headphone Amplifier

Yooo vpi turntables are pretty awesome, sounds like a cool job :+1::+1:

So here is my take on Amir. He as backed himself into a corner and created a community that will fall apart if he actually recommends something that doesn’t measure well. His entire forum is based on objective measurements and the listening tests are just for show. Even if he does hear a clear difference there’s no way he could say so without causing a massive shitshow, because either fans turn on him, or doubt everything and the whole site is pointless. He is kinda forced to give a response like this even if he heard something positive that he didn’t hear with better measuring amps. There really isn’t much he could do to change the community either when they are so set in their ways, it’s just kinda unfortunate


I was working on robots in the same shop. Literally my favorite job in the past. If you are a turn table guy, all I can say is resin 3d printed tone arms are the only way to go. They have a tone arm that has 0 crystaline structure meaning the tone arm has 0 resonate frequencies. Spend money on that more than any cartridge.


I agree 100%. The only thing I would add to it is that he needs to take better care of his forum comments, or find good mods to do it. Much more nasty and contrite posts on ASR.

Luckily, that isn’t any of our problems. We have a really good mod over here at HFG. :wink:


I was really surprised he recommended the Liquid Platinum. Although to be fair he said something like " If you must have a tube amp, this is about the best". :laughing:

I like reading his reviews. And then I combine that with YouTube reviews, forum reviews and media reviews. If I am considering a new amp, I like to hear/read high praise/fan boy reviews, serious put downs (factually) and uninterested third parties. And then just trying to guess how It will sound.


Yeah please don’t do that here lol


I think the worst in regards to put downs is SBAF. They just seem to be really sad, and angry people.

If their appearance matches the tone of their posts, then they must be hideous individuals…


Lurking the SBAF forums and the relative toxicity there is why I joined this forum


I agree. There are a few really nice people on SBAF, but most of the members are toxic minded. It is really unfortunate because I’ve discovered a lot of helpful stuff over there, be it technical modding stuff or just insightful posts.


I can fully understand why you did. SBAF is like the jungle of audio forums.

Welcome to HFG, a place for gentleman with distinguished good tastes in audio, lol.


I think I was pretty close!!:stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes::stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes::grin:


Same here.

The perfect review would have 3 conclusions:

  1. Feel/Listening experience
  2. Measurements
  3. Performance compared to similarly priced offerings

I find measurements to see if the device is okay compared to what the manufacturer says, but that doesn’t make transparency any more, and of course whether the manufacturer is lying about his product or not.
Sure, the Amir hangs on little things like a metal worker in his job. I have already run parts from a series that were 0.005 or 0.01 mm below the tolerance and the customer did not complain until never with the devices. What does it itch whether it has 0.00005 thd with a zero less?
Nothing at all because we don’t hear it anyway.
Every Dac or amplifier has advantages and disadvantages. It will always be the same.
There are also circuits that have been deliberately chosen that is not bad in the low ohmic range but is not as good as in the high ohmic range.
Which does not mean that the Rupert is bad, you can also listen to soft music with a 25 Ohm headphone, we also do not know how the Amir listens, and how he really tests, which is also highly questionable, and all with the Topping Dx3 pro I also think shit to compare, which has to be almost the same and not compare apples to pears. Every apple tastes different, that’s the way it is.
The ASR community, unfortunately, I find a faded bunch. The buy devices according to measurement data and everything is cool. Instead of listening to your ear and your inner self. And call yourself an audiophile.
And that is wrong, but more is what it means to call yourself an audiophile. Something like Mon who can now describe in 2-3 sentences that a warm, sonorous, intimate, full-bodied stage with velvety magic illuminates the room and his own style I would say is now Audiophile as well as others here. But Amir can not do that in his hearing test. He describes yes sounds good to me, the measurements fit I recommend it to you, period.
He doesn’t describe how he felt about his emotion like others here who rave about a Dac / amp.
I have resoect with what he does, I don’t think that’s bad anymore, he doesn’t contribute to the community, that’s okay, and he shouldn’t do more.
And believe many others see it the same way.

And if I had the money I would buy it to test it.
And my impressions describe how I feel.
And what I didn’t like was what.

But to make the Rupert so bad I think it’s a shame of him.
should he say that it was not so great in the low-ohmic range and that it could possibly disturb some listeners.
Then that would be in the green area.

I often follow the post here as a quiet reader, and many are impressed by the Rupert.
And was also about to get him.
Don’t be too influenced by ASR.
If you ask something, 80% will never get an answer.
Not even from measurements dating back years.
Because they no longer itch and have long since bought new devices that have even better measurement results in the belief that the music will sound even better.
For me, perfect devices are those that still run today, have decades under their belt and can still keep up.
Even technology from the 70s still plays a lot in the shadows, they have certainly been overhauled with the latest capacitor technology. But the circuit has remained the same, and that’s balm to the ears.


I was actually laughing last night/morning at how close you were to guessing the review, lmfao


:joy::joy:I got the channel balance wrong. But everything else is pretty close. I should play lotto more.


With all the sports shutting down, maybe we need a Fantasy HiFi League. :rofl:


High fidelity stimulus isn’t enough?

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The phrase “putting their subs in” would become quite ambiguous.

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Just so you know, @ 29:40 , Zeos says the best thing he heard at CanJam this year was the Rupert Neve Fidelice (the 5 000$ amp) – quote – “I plugged my Neumanns into it and I almost shit my pants”.


It’s price is it’s Achilles.

Several who’ve heard it really enjoyed it.

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