Rupert Neve RNHP Precision Headphone Amplifier

Nah, just bringing it back. I’m not a braggart. :grin:

LCD-X might be another option for you.

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The preamps on the SSL is solid, but the headphone amp is average and I would most likely want to go with an external solution for better quality later on. Audient interfaces are pretty nice if you want something a bit smoother warmer, and imo also have a bit better headphone amps (but again an external solution would be able to offer you more there)

So what would you use the optical for?

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haha i kid i kid 10 character

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ya thats what i had in mind, use the Neve as the head phone amp, i think that plus the SSL would be solid if you like the preamps, the Focusrite doesn’t do the Moog justice…

i have a TC Electronic M350 that has an optical out to use as an outside plugin, plus i go in coax digital from a guitar processor to get a better A/D conversion, i can front panel button switch for quick change, it’s super handy

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It sees everything!


Has anyone heard of this?

Looks like a re-skin
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It’s similar to the rnhp with a bit more drive (or gain lol) and a bit better quality components, but really not worth the added cost imo. Although the RNDAC is worthwhile


Pretty much is.

What Mon said above me is accurate. :point_up:t4:

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Hi everyone,

So … i received the Violectric V200 and … [drums] : i largely prefer the RNHP …

“thick”* is the word that came to me when i started listening to it, compared to what i remembered from the RNHP …
it’s really good, precise, powerfull, dead silent even with FLC8 ( iems ), but i have absolutly no pleasure with it …
so boring, thick*, like a massive block, no air …

the AKG 712 lose all his interest as it has no air or soundstage with the Violectric and sounds common, same thing with the DT1990 … no excitement at all …
Note : Source SMSL SU-8

good side was : with those cans, sometimes the sound can be peaky with the RNHP and the Violectric calm everyone in hign frequencies …
but this good side has is cost …

really disappointed …
does all the violectric or Lake people are in the same typology of sound ?

it does the job well but not my taste …

so … still in search for a RNHP wich will be my engame … maybe i have no taste after all ?

*EDIT : i first used the term “bold”, as in typography, but it’s not the proper term, i was thinking “THICK”, sorry for the mistake …


Just wondering how long have you had it for?

imo this might be a reason why you might be feeling that, something like a soekris dac1321 might address the issues you would have (or the new soekris line coming soon)

For the most part, although violectric is going to be warmer and smoother than lake people

Different preferences exist lol, good luck on the rnhp and hopefully the v200 could be an easy sale


got it for 3 days and have listened to it for 18 hours ( approx. ) …
spend a lot of time on it with my most appreciated albums and bands ( i’m listening to some of them for more than 25 years … ) …
it’s a little short but the impression of heavyness and “congestion” was really evident …

maybe the DAC isn’t the most beautifull pairing with it … but i can’t change it, have to choose, the headphone amp or the dac but not both …

maybe Lake people would be a more pertinent choice …

the sellor was kind enough to take his hamp back, just lose the shippment cost in the process …

ahah yeah i know, tastes and choices, the big adventure in audio …
patience … patience … “one day she’ll be mine”

thanks again for your advice :+1:t2:

I mean at this point the violectric and lake people more similarities than you would probably like, if you like the neve that much, it would most likely be wise to just wait for one to show up lol

Ah well that’s good

yes sorry for the lack of precision, i meant “between Violectric and LP, LP would have been a better choice for this try, perhaps” … but yes, the RNHP is still my choice …

it has a bad noise with my iems ( FLC8 ), it’s not perfect but for the other things … it’s hard to tell, i’m not a sound engineer …
to keep it simple : with the RNHP, i put my headphones on my ears and i listen music, not the material … that’s it …
maybe i could find a better amp on the technical point, like Topping A90 or something else, or another one way less expensive, maybe an ifi can at 170 euros may sound the same, don’t know …

it sounds as an amp is supposed to sound ( to me ) … and in the jungle of existing material, it tells enough for me :wink:

This amp is so awesome. Its the first amp I’ve ever owned, and I couldn’t be happier about making the leap to this tier straight away.

I bought it after the headphone out on my UR24C interface made my dt 770/250 sound super shrill. Granted, they were my first real studio headphones, but I knew they had potential and just needed a boost.

Plugged them into the RNHP, and BAM, magic. Flat, punchy, and spacious.

The interesting thing is that I bought some 1990s and the improvement over the 770s was marginal. More detail and clarity, yes. Better soundstage, yes. Blue Train sounded amazing. But a marginal improvement IMO.

Back to Amazon they went.


Nice! I just officially joined the RNHP club recently also. It is a sweet sounding little box for sure. Here is a pic of a funny pairing.

I had a coworker put the Porta pro on his head yesterday. He pressed play and got a very confused look on his face. Then he took the headphones off, looked at them and asked “How do they do that?” Lol!


This amp is so good… it’s hard to ever sell it off. Warning though about DAC pairings, recently I discovered with the Holo Spring 2 that it does sound good, it actually has too much air.

But with the Bifrost 2… it’s hard to get better than that from my experience.


Haha. Yeah I’ve read in a few places that this amp very good at classing up the sound of lower tier headphones. Not sure if thats exclusive to the RNHP, but that’s an amazing value proposition. Many of us have multiple cans and it’s great to be able to listen to all those different sound signatures, not have to spend a ton, and still get a great listening experience just by maxing out budget headphones.

I really like the aesthetic of those Porta Pros btw. Very retro.


There is something special about this amp and I think it’s because RNHP I swear has a hint of the Rupert Neve sweetness built in which to me makes strings (from guitars especially) add this stage that makes the sound holographic. If you pair amp with a slightly warmer and punchier DAC (like the Bifrost 2) you are greeted with a truly wonderful experience. If you DAC is a bit too technical (like my Spring 2) then the RNHP may sound a tiny bit thin or too airy.

Regardless, like other people on this thread in the past that this amp is a keeper. The output is substantial overall. And if you have and LCD X/XC or LCD MX4 this amp might be THE amp to get it as it was designed with the LCD XC in mind. If you have warmer headphones, you may not enjoy this DAC as much especially if the headphones are bright in nature too (B20) where the sound can be quite thin.

Please note, only gripe about this amp is that impact/slam isn’t the greatest but that’s a minor note. If you’re looking for aggressive treble for ear bleeding detail, the sweetness of the amp softens up the treble and upper midrange so it’s still accurate with a slight accentuated third order harmonic for a pleasant experience and allowing you to really hear the room.


I’m currently in the process of settling my desktop setup and then leaving it alone for a while. I somewhat skipped a tier going straight from the $100 range to the RNHP but I wanted to be satisfied with my desktop source for a while so I can play around with lots of sub $500 headphones that I haven’t tried yet and know that I’m getting the most out of them.

I will still probably get the Asgard 3 at some point for the headphones that benefit from a little more power and body. But once I get that and my DAC upgrade (looking at the Allo Revolution) then I think I’ll be content with source gear for a while and I can go back to focusing on messing with headphones.

Also, the Porta Pros are just fun. I love pulling them out and seeing the baffled look on people’s faces when I unfold them like a transformer. Ha!


A pairing I’m obsessed with right now is the r70x, and part of it is due to what you just mentioned. Listening to “Parachutes” by Coldplay, for example, is incredible. The album is dominated by acoustic guitars, electric/overdriven/distorted guitars, bass, and piano. All string instruments. First time I’ve actually said “Wow” and ever laughed at how good something sounded. It’s not exactly holographic to me, but it’s more like the strings flutter, dance and intimately whisper in my ear, but I still hear “the band in the room”. I think somebody earlier in the thread mentioned something about their head feeling like it was in the guitar as something related to what I’m saying.

I do get exactly that holographic imaging on my 770s when I listen to something like China Girl on Bowie’s “Let’s Dance”. It sounds like his voice is contained in a musical box that the instruments are creating around it, and I’m both inside and outside the box at the same time. Stunning.

But if I want my music with power and impact, some “slam”, I hook up my 1770s… and… :heartbeat:

A common denominator, besides that Neve Sweetness, is high-impedance cans. And I never go past 11 o’clock on the pot. So plenty of juice for me so far.