Rupert Neve RNHP Precision Headphone Amplifier

Hmm… You’ve got me wondering about some Beyer pairings now. Sold my DT770 250ohms a while back before I had the RNHP. Now I’m wondering if I need to pick up another Beyer somewhere.

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Give Panama by the Avener a listen. I pick up the holographic nature with that song all the time with the RNHP.

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I personally didn’t care for my Beyers on the RNHP. I didn’t feel that the power was sufficient for my dt 880 250 ohm. Not sure about other Beyers though.

I really like the 600 oms on the rnhp, the issue is that you do want a dac with higher gain, if you don’t have that then it can be lacking some power, if you need extra gain you can try swapping to input c on the rnhp and see if that gives you some extra headroom

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You read my mind. I wanted to ask about the 880 600ohm and if it would be a decent match to the RNHP. I’ve been curious about that headphone but insure about whether it would be a good pairing. Still using the D10 dac at the moment with plans to move to the Allo Revolution in the future (as you know). Not sure what kind of output I’m looking at with my current D10 but I could run an RCA - 3.5mm cable into the RNHP to take advantage of the extra gain of the C input. Is that how you would recommend I run from RCA out on the DAC if I need more headroom?

If you need more headroom yes, otherwise just use the regular rca

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Yeah I’m just using RCA right now. Thanks!

So I’m looking to try one of the $200 open back staple headphones that have solid reputations. Looking to explore more in this price range now that I’ve locked down a couple nicer headphones for daily driver use. Now I’m just exploring for fun.
So I’m looking at the 6xx, 58x, and DT880 600 ohm primarily. But would be curious about others. Of those do you think the 880 would be the best pairing with the RNHP? Are there some other things you might recommend trying in that price range? Not looking for any specific sound sig. Just want to try interesting stuff. If I like I might keep, if not I’ll just move on to the next.

I might prefer the 880 the most on that setup imo, other things in that similar price range that I like with it might be the ath r70x, you already have the elegia so that is covered, although most of the stuff I really like to pair with the rnhp tends to be in a higher price bracket

Cool. Will look at the R70x also. I was actually reading something about it earlier. Only AT I’ve owned was the M40x. What kind of signature does the R70x have?

It’s very different from the other at headphones, it’s more of a hd600 like sound with a bit more stage width and extension, with a bit less sweetness in the midrange, really nice

Did you ever get those 880s? I’m curious as to how well this amp performed with them…

I did! And the pairing is nice. I have to run the volume to around 1:00 to get to a good listening volume but I still have some headroom. I very much enjoy the pairing for acoustic, vocals, and orchestral genres.


600 ohm 880?

Yep. That’s correct. And I didn’t even have to buy a :radioactive: power plant to enjoy them!


Isn’t it amazing how misinformed the masses have become. We’re talking double digit mWs at 600 ohm, and it’s enough.

Specifically speaking it’s how much power at what impedance. Also with dynamic headphones they need voltage swings more than current pushed.

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Nice! The fact that there was no mention of “treble”, or “8khz”, or “Mt. Beyer” is also an encouraging sign :laughing: .

1 o’clock is solid. I personally find that 3 is where you start getting into trouble with the noise floor coming up too high (at least on my setup, using ‘B’), so yeah, plenty of room.

Neve-Beyer Cartel
:colombia: :dagger: :moneybag: :syringe: :soccer:


I use the Dt880 600ohm with the RNHP on a fairly normal basis. I tend to use the balance input, so A…

You have to crank the knob higher for sure but the Amp is clean enough that I haven’t found any negative tendency.

Using B will require less volume on the knob as the gain is higher. You could argue that balanced input is slightly cleaner, but that’s more DAC dependant.

Overall though the RNHP and Dt880 is NICE!


Right. The biggest difference between the two inputs is the maximum input level, but gain-wise, and cleanness-of-sound-wise, I think they are so close that the differences are likely DAC related.

I wanted to go balanced when I first got the RNHP but to make sure I did it justice I got nice XLRs and RCAs to literally A/B them for a couple days. And here we are. So to your point I think my audio interface does a little better with the unbalanced out.

I’m curious about the 880s because I’m considering them as well as 990 250 ohm for Christmas. My other concern with the 880 is that my r70x will basically do everything they can do, but better. I want Treble Cans. Hmm…