🔷 Schiit Asgard 3

I know that the 789 is a “better” amp than the asgard 3. But will there be a difference between the 2 amps specially with Argon Mk. 3s? Im looking for an amp upgrade from my Atom which just doesn’t power them nearly enough.

Yes, imo I would actually prefer the argons on the asgard 3 imo, it would be a pretty sweet combo. Plenty of power and punch, with also a smoother refined sound that will prevent harshness that the argons and give it a smoother tone imo. Are your argons balanced?

yeah you’re not gonna find too many people who will agree with that statement on this forum lol


Thanks for the response! They are wired for balanced but i’ve only ever used them single ended.

Im actually surprised as to why that is. I’ve been out the game (to give my wallet a break) for a while and at the time it was The endgame amp.

It’s never really been “endgame” persay because that really doesn’t exist imo. but it was perceived by the measurement hypetrain to be “endgame”

I recommend checking out this thread if you are interested in reading some opinions on the matter

also to not derail this thread.

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also a popular sentiment in this forum lol (the doesn’t exist part)


Hmmm… Is that to say the Asgard is a “colored” amp or just that THX amps are not the end all be all for headphone amp technology?

Correct, and I would also call thx amps pretty colored as well imo


I second this. Harsh treble.

it has it’s downsides and tradeoffs just like any other tech out there. I personally think THX amps started out a bit on the overpriced side but now have stabilized price wise, but I still think there are better options below the price point unless you just really wanted a balanced amp. I enjoyed my THX amp when I had it but upgrading to something higher performing in the same price range definitely opened my eyes to flaws of the tech.

also damn i think i derailed this one lmao

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leans to the “warm” and “musical” side of things… that along with lots of power and its ability to create a soundstage with depth are things I really love about the a3

Im very much into listening to music “The way the artist intended” but, for the price and power i might have to try it. Thanks for the info!

IMO that is a goal that really can’t be achieved, and thx isn’t going to get you there either

Yeah that’s something I learned after a while. I think more musical is something that any artist would want their music to be described as anyways


I think it’s important to remember that endgame is 100% subjective and is always the sound you yourself are looking for and the price you’re willing to pay for it.


anyone else find that you could cook a steak on top of this amp after an hour?

That’s about normal, but it shouldn’t be insanely hot or anything, it is high bias class a/b though and that comes with heat

good to know. Thanks, record breaking re time.

Right? It’s like he’s watching us.

As to you hear question, it should get warm but if it is genuinely HOT that could be an issue. You can still touch the amp without burning yourself right?