šŸ”¶ Shuoer EJ07M

Almost cried. 360 Stage. What. the. hell. Perfect imaging. Is this Mest?


This is why I donā€™t have the Oxygen yet. After I saw the black version I couldnā€™t compromise and get the silver any more.

Btw beautiful looking set.

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Why! :joy:

I guess these will be next on my to-try list after I receive my 7Hz Timeless.

Iā€™m looking for one set to do the lot basically and I believe these can handle a lot of genres pretty well?


Iā€™ll make a full review on these and do some comparitions. Variations and UP if it arrives in time.

What a gem.


Yap, itā€™s an all rounder.


Congrats dude! Black indeed looks amazing, you reminded myself when I first hopped onto the short bus with 07 (came from 3yrs daily use of 846 with single Crystal silver)

Amazed how much chifi progressed in such short term and totally in love with Shuoer as a fanboy now

Canā€™t speak for 07m but from what I read itā€™s a solid improvements over 07 but some might need the Tanya filter for some

Look forward to your review later dude!!! Enjoy, and I know a lot might not agree with snake oil but cable does improve soundā€¦ if ultimate best is what you strive to achieveā€¦


Hey fellow passager!! Short bus riding :slight_smile:

Yeah, Im using Tanya filter :slight_smile:

I dont believe in cables, but I do believe in being proven wrong. Got any sugestions?

LOL - best try to A/B it, I didnā€™t believe it in the beginning and on balanced sensitive sets (846 for instance) itā€™s day and night hence I got sick into this snake oil. And yes, you need to try a bit higher priced one, all those sub-$100 essentially the same ? And significant diminishing return here so if budget is limited best stick to upgrade IEM itself

Iā€™ll let others to rec but for me it works as remember all the drivers inside IEMs receiving signal via the cable to recreate all the frequency, any ever so small signal difference via cable would alter the input which got translate via the driversā€¦ yes nothing changed in soldering points insideā€¦

The gold plated silver from Shuoer was better than stock ones come with 07 or 09, but a branded single Crystal silver I used to pair with 846 gave clearer and smooth sound hence Iā€™m using it with 09 although Shuoerā€™s gold plated silver has wider space. What Iā€™ve not tried is to A/B using desktop DACs with abandon power, was only done using Fiio DACs

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You mean this one



Beautiful photos!

They have more gold sparkles than mine

tenor (1)


My mom says im special. I believe her.


So I made a think so share as PM with @Resolution , but might as well share it here:

"This is what Iā€™m hearing. Sorry for the poor paint job lol.

Let me try to explain it a lil bit more. EJ07m/Teas have different presentation of space and mids than Variations/Monarch. You can check this easily but A/Bing your Var with your on a Vocal song. The singer is really close to you on Teas, mid presentation is forward, everything else streches to the back or sides.

With Variations youā€™ll get a foot or two of distance between you and the singer, and everything spreads around it (left side of image). This representation spreads the band in front of you to get some separation.

With EJ07m you get Teas on steroids. Stage gains another half size and rotates around you. Iā€™ve tested this 3 tracks:

TOOL - Fear Inoculum
Snarkly Puppy - Tio Macaco
Yosi Horikawa - Crossing

Detailed timestamps to use as an example - Crossing:

In the first 5 seconds thereā€™s a bike. On EJ07m it goes from behind you, on your left shoulders, passes in front of you and leaves stage at the right side, almost behind your back again. On Variations it goes left to right.

At 6 seconds, the bells appear on you far left and then switch to the right. Variations goes a great job with it. But with EJ, not only the presentation is further way and more detailed, you can pin point it and ask for someone to shoot with precision on that bell.

During the intro, I also noticed something different. The sound is more ā€œdynamic?ā€. When the vans pass in front of you, you know they are there and where they are going, but the difference between the two is that EJ07m does it with more detail. Itā€™s clearer. Like thereā€™s no blur from movement. Like watching a moving frame on 60hz monitor vs 120hz monitor. Itā€™s hard to explain, but Iā€™m trying."


So Tea has finally got it proper successor? Thatā€™s nice to hear, itā€™s going onto my wishlist :slight_smile:

As of first impresions, yes. They have the same presentation of Teas that I love, so I had to get them.

Forward mid presentation, great stage and imaging.


Excellent job!

I like these first impressions a lot

It is like 3D holographic sound



Yap, first words Iā€™ve used. Itā€™s priceless. It reminds of Mest, but thatā€™s just a memory by now. My only problem so far isā€¦ Now I kinda wanna know how EJ07 OG sounds like >_>


I just love EJ07M and I miss listening to them a lot

I know it is not for everyone and perhaps they will find them boring.

This is why I was also curious how they do compare to the teas from your posted, beforeā€¦ and how u were describing them I was thinking I have to buy them and try , but I think nowā€¦ No

So thank you :purple_heart:

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Whatā€™s the timbre like on these in general? Say compare to all BA sets?

(I know itā€™s a vague and open question, sorry)

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Indeed, thatā€™s very interesting question especially because @hawaiibadboy rates original EJ07 higher than M version

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To me, they are less ā€œboringā€ than Variations/Monarch/EJ07/Oracle, but of course I wonā€™t be as ā€œfunā€ as Xenns UP/Clair/Land. Itā€™s a preference thing. Tuning matters.

Iā€™d say if you have 07M you donā€™t need Teas. If you have Teas, LOVE them and want an upgrade, 07m is a great choice.

Very good for BA/EST. Only two full BA iā€™ve tried was Lokahi (bad timbre) and U12T (lol 2k $). EJ07m has great timbre, but nothing will beat a single DD in timbre. These use great BAs + 4 ESTs.

HBB owns a custom EJ07 and Mest Mk2 for a reason. OG will be more neutral (Less bass and treble), but has been reported as better immersion. I might have to buy it down the road.