So, what next? Looking for new headphone DAC/AMP advice

Very true. Hearing should never be compromised. :sweat_smile:

Heh, they don’t sound too bad!

(I mean they’re nothing compared to the DT770’s - but now I’m comparing back to back)

If you wanted some more portable headphones that are closed back, the AKG K371 still have good bass and are more neutral than the 770, but still fun. 130 USD. If you want something that tones the treble down more and has a little less bass, ‘darker’ so to speak, the Sivga SV006 are good for their price, under 100 USD.
And if you want some good IEMs, the Guideray Gr-i IEMs punch well above their price range at 50 USD.

Lol he just gets a new headphone and now we have to sell him on another

It’s what we do :rofl:

I think I knew that was par for the course when I started this …

However I love that all the suggestions are for things that are reasonable money. I’m now not obsessing over £500 cans for example.

That’s why the cheap hifi market is so fun. It is highly competitive.

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Not yet at least


True, not ‘yet’…


I’m lucky my wallet isn’t around to hear you guys


I keep going back to songs I’ve not heard for a long time, and now I’m hearing details I’ve never heard before. Pretty amazed.

Oh, I also bought a Topping D10 today. Wasn’t fussed on the way the K3 feeds audio out, i.e. I have to turn the volume right up on that and use the Atom to control volume. I will now put that in my other laptop bag for when I’m away and the 80 Ohm 770’s and that’s the away kit sorted :smiley:

D10 will be useful at home - I can optical out to my S350DB’s. As it’s USB, and I switch between two computers as I work from home - I can simply have the D10 connected to the USB switcher so I don’t need to fire up my PC just for music like I used to do… Very pleased with that.


You might get a bit of a power boost with the d10 as well.

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That’s useful to know! Thanks

Well big emphasis on maybe. Was my experience from the output of the e10k to the d10

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It’s going to be a cleaner signal than your k3, along with other improvements

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Yeah I even noticed a huge difference between the E10K and K3. I think I’m getting the hang of this now :slight_smile:

D10 installed. Yes, yes.

Not a bad starter setup! Going to enjoy this for a while now and save up for whatever I feel will be next.

Do you hear any difference with the d10 yet?